The Things We Do When We Get Drunk

21 Conversations

Oh no... Oh my God, no, I didn't... please don't tell me I... Oh God, I did... I did as well... Oh my God...Oh s**t. Why? Why?! I'm such an idiot, such a complete and utter...

Do those pathetic words sound familiar? Have you ever grumbled something similar to yourself in the morning, sprawled all over your bed, waking up with a pounding head? Picture the scene: a cruel light bursts through the curtains rousing you from troubled sleep, bringing not only a hangover but a cinema show that plays scenes in your minds eye - terrible, embarrassing scenes - of all the stupid things you did the night before. And clearer and clearer, it's all coming back to you.

When we drink, we sometimes do things we learn to regret. And even the act of remembering those things can be a painful, humbling experience. For instance, have you ever tried to snog your boss on a company night out? Or have you tried to punch him even? Or her? Have you ever got into a pointless argument and made a terrible scene or flashed your knickers at a policeman for a laugh? Have you ever come home drunk late one night, starving hungry, and tucked in to a plate of cold dog food... or even tried to eat the dog? Or have you ever let slip a really personal secret about yourself, one that you vowed never to repeat to anyone...I'm actually a polyamourous sado-masochist, you know, and I've completely fallen in love with...?

Look, it's not going to be easy and it certainly won't be pretty. But what it will be is very, very entertaining for all of us if you're brave enough just to talk about those things you did the night you got steaming drunk. Go on, get it off your chest. We're here to listen...

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