A Conversation for The Things We Do When We Get Drunk


Post 1

David St. Hubbins - Keeper Of Quality Footware

I usually sleepwalk when I've had a lot to drink. Various lady friends have found me;

a) Doing exercises in the middle of the bedroom floor.

b) Attempting to leave the flat (by the front door, which leads to the garden).

c) Laughing so loudly and maniacally that I have woken myself and my sleeping partner.

I'm sure there are others, but I've been alone when they happened.


Post 2


A mate of mine, after a night on the town, got up in the middle of the night to answer the call. Instead of going back to his own room, he wandered into his mother-in-laws room, and got into bed with her. She woke up and said, "Alan, you're in my bed." To which he replied, "What's wrong with my feet?"

Tickled me silly



Post 3

David St. Hubbins - Keeper Of Quality Footware

Last night I had a terrible feeling that I was aboot to be attacked. So I got up and double locked the front door and then went back to bed. I guess it wasn't really sleepwalking, as I remember what I did and why, but I still had to unlock the door this morning!

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