A Conversation for The Things We Do When We Get Drunk

going for the groin

Post 1

brandy a fine girl

It's been almost twenty-five years, and every time I think of it, I still shudder in embarrassment. I was living in posh Marin County, across the bay from San Francisco. Taken six months off after graduating from university to sort of slum a bit, and was working as front office girl at an original silver/gold jewelry making company. The boss had a big party at his fancy house. I got completely blitzed--probably from major nervousness--and while in conversation with one of the guests, began to massage him between the legs! To this day, I cannot dredge up the series of events that preceded that action, and it was not a welcome thing for him, especially since we were sitting out on the terrace along with all the other guests! The next day I was very very unwell, and very very embarrassed. No one ever said anything to me, thank heavens.

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going for the groin

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