A Conversation for Marvin the PA's Fan Club (MPAFC)


Post 61

Will Jenkins (Dead)

I consider myself lucky smiley - tongueout


Post 62

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Or at least, about to get lucky smiley - winkeye


Post 63

Will Jenkins (Dead)

smiley - bigeyes


Post 64

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Now there's a face I see a lot of smiley - winkeye


Post 65

Marvin the (forgetful, paranoid, and lazy) Robot who is a member of the ASL, the MTPAFC (or what ever it was called before it be

good luck you 2


Post 66

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*decides not to even attempt a response...*


Post 67

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Will is too busy to attempt a response


Post 68

Marvin the (forgetful, paranoid, and lazy) Robot who is a member of the ASL, the MTPAFC (or what ever it was called before it be

too busy doing, what?


Post 69

Will Jenkins (Dead)

smiley - bigeyes

I want to Join!!!!

Post 70

Lizard Prince- A437203 Owner, Muse, H2G2GAs, Prince of Lizards, Carrier of Black Towels

In my opinion, Marvin is the best character in h2g2 books. If I were an android, I'd be Marvin. Lemme be a member. Please.

I want to Join!!!!

Post 71

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Welcome to Marvin's FC!

I want to Join!!!!

Post 72

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)


I want to Join!!!!

Post 73

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Meet Tweetie, the loveable young lass who really knows where her towel is smiley - winkeye
*On my bedroom floor if I had anything to do with it, hey ho*

I want to Join!!!!

Post 74

Lizard Prince- A437203 Owner, Muse, H2G2GAs, Prince of Lizards, Carrier of Black Towels

OOOHHHH!!!! Not only am I a member, but I heard about the behind-the-scenes action concerning tweetie. MEEEEEEEOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!

I want to Join!!!!

Post 75

Marvin the (forgetful, paranoid, and lazy) Robot who is a member of the ASL, the MTPAFC (or what ever it was called before it be

welcome to the club, many of us attent hptf, a school with a remarkable resemblance to the asylum in ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST

I want to Join!!!!

Post 76

Will Jenkins (Dead)

I thankfully(?) do not smiley - winkeye

I want to Join!!!!

Post 77

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Me either smiley - smiley
*flicks LP and Will with her towel, and grins wickedly*

I want to Join!!!!

Post 78

Marvin the (forgetful, paranoid, and lazy) Robot who is a member of the ASL, the MTPAFC (or what ever it was called before it be

well, me and mertens, and the alien, and danlim all do

I want to Join!!!!

Post 79


For your insolence you will pay the ultimate price--you have to stay at HPTF until you graduate! HUWHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!!!

I want to Join!!!!

Post 80

Will Jenkins (Dead)

*Flicks Tweetie back with his**

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