A Conversation for Marvin the PA's Fan Club (MPAFC)

I want to Join!!!!

Post 81

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*raises an eyebrow*
*completely calm*
Ok, then...
*loses it*
WAR!!!!!!! smiley - smiley
*flicks Will again and grins wickedly*

I want to Join!!!!

Post 82

Marvin the (forgetful, paranoid, and lazy) Robot who is a member of the ASL, the MTPAFC (or what ever it was called before it be

this sounds interesting, I declare peace!
"every once in a while, decleare peace, it confuses the hell out of your enimies" I forget what, maybe monty python

I want to Join!!!!

Post 83

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Resistance is futile

I want to Join!!!!

Post 84

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Make my day smiley - winkeye
*grabs another towel*
Double barreled flicking smiley - smiley Be warned- I've been known to draw blood before now...

I want to Join!!!!

Post 85

Will Jenkins (Dead)

*looks around for more amo*
*rips off shirt and lobs it over Tweetie's head*
The enemy is blindedsmiley - winkeye

I want to Join!!!!

Post 86

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*Tweet is momentarily speechless*
*Then, an evil grin crosses her face*

I want to Join!!!!

Post 87

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Which is, of course, hidden under a shirt*

I want to Join!!!!

Post 88

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*whips off the shirt from her head, and reveals the evil grin (along with a slight blush)*

I want to Join!!!!

Post 89

Will Jenkins (Dead)

I have the upper hand methinks

I want to Join!!!!

Post 90

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*raises an eyebrow*
Methinks youthinks wrong smiley - winkeye

I want to Join!!!!

Post 91

Will Jenkins (Dead)

You're not one of these people who can raise one eyebrow and frown with the other are you?

I want to Join!!!!

Post 92


*twitches whiskers*

I want to Join!!!!

Post 93

Salem Saberhagen

Let me join, or I'll send on my hench men to tickle your feet with a feather on an electric drill.

I want to Join!!!!

Post 94

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Ok Ok you can join! Sheesh, the lengths some people will goto.

I want to Join!!!!

Post 95

Salem Saberhagen

Oh, right. I've already sent my hench man after. Better find his pager number...

I want to Join!!!!

Post 96

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*shakes her head, and grins at Salem*
Actually Will, I am one of those people (although I didn't actually realise until you mentioned it smiley - winkeye)

I want to Join!!!!

Post 97

Salem Saberhagen

Oh, yeah. You're the one I employed while you were playing Tetris.

I want to Join!!!!

Post 98

Will Jenkins (Dead)

It's just like a family reunion

I want to Join!!!!

Post 99

Marvin the (forgetful, paranoid, and lazy) Robot who is a member of the ASL, the MTPAFC (or what ever it was called before it be

glad you're all having so much fun

I want to Join!!!!

Post 100

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

I assume you're not having any?

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