A Conversation for Marvin the PA's Fan Club (MPAFC)
I want to Join!!!!
Will Jenkins (Dead) Started conversation Aug 7, 2000
Want to be a member of a *very* rare following? Reply below.
I want to Join!!!!
Marvin the (forgetful, paranoid, and lazy) Robot who is a member of the ASL, the MTPAFC (or what ever it was called before it be Posted Aug 8, 2000
can I join your fan club, I am definitly a fan of marvin, as you may guess from my nickname!
I want to Join!!!!
Will Jenkins (Dead) Posted Aug 8, 2000
Ok, your a member!!! Please tell other people about the club. Feel free to add the list box (I'll send you the code by email if you want it) or just a link to your page!
I want to Join!!!!
Marvin the (forgetful, paranoid, and lazy) Robot who is a member of the ASL, the MTPAFC (or what ever it was called before it be Posted Aug 9, 2000
how do I link it?
a devoted mavin fan
I want to Join!!!!
Will Jenkins (Dead) Posted Aug 10, 2000
Linking is really easy if your page is in GuideML or HTML but harder if your page is set to Plain Text. If you want help with converting from Plain Text to GuideML ask me!
In GuideML add the following:
Marvin's Fan Club
In HTML add this:
Marvin's Fan Club
If you want to put the list box on your page tell me and I'll explain how to do that.
I want to Join!!!!
Will Jenkins (Dead) Posted Aug 15, 2000
I hope you all spotted the deliberate mistake!
Should have been:
Marvin's Fan Club
Marvin's Fan Club
I want to Join!!!!
Call Me Mertens Posted Aug 20, 2000
Oh hell yes i want to join. I've been a fan of Marvin's since i first read the Guide.
Marvin the (forgetful, paranoid, and lazy) Robot who is a member of the ASL, the MTPAFC (or what ever it was called before it be Posted Aug 20, 2000
mertens, glad you finaly listened to me. we need to recruit more people to marvanism
Marvin the (forgetful, paranoid, and lazy) Robot who is a member of the ASL, the MTPAFC (or what ever it was called before it be Posted Aug 21, 2000
I think I got another one. everybody likes marvin
I want to Join!!!!
anonymousalien Posted Aug 21, 2000
yeah, marvin the chronically depressed robot! PLEASE tell me he didn't die in the fourth book.....
Marvin the (forgetful, paranoid, and lazy) Robot who is a member of the ASL, the MTPAFC (or what ever it was called before it be Posted Aug 21, 2000
Marvin can not die, he is too cool
Marvin forever!
Will Jenkins (Dead) Posted Aug 21, 2000
For an alternative ending in which Marvin doesn't die go here: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/9527/
I want to Join!!!!
danilm Posted Aug 26, 2000
I'd really like to join. Two reasons: Marvin is the only one with the intellectual capacity to understand me. Two: Marvin the Robot, second member of your fan club, is going to light me on fire if I don't.
I want to Join!!!!
Marvin the (forgetful, paranoid, and lazy) Robot who is a member of the ASL, the MTPAFC (or what ever it was called before it be Posted Aug 26, 2000
not light you on fire, just steal you're blow torch, and thats 3 people, plus myself that joined this club because of me telling them to, so now its 3 times the size it was a few weeks ago
I want to Join!!!!
Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...) Posted Aug 27, 2000
Wow, a trip to your page is well worth it Will (now check out that alliteration).
I'm so up for a Marvin fanclub His lines are the ones that really kill me (plus I keep using them as screensavers
Can I join?
Key: Complain about this post
I want to Join!!!!
- 1: Will Jenkins (Dead) (Aug 7, 2000)
- 2: Marvin the (forgetful, paranoid, and lazy) Robot who is a member of the ASL, the MTPAFC (or what ever it was called before it be (Aug 8, 2000)
- 3: Will Jenkins (Dead) (Aug 8, 2000)
- 4: Marvin the (forgetful, paranoid, and lazy) Robot who is a member of the ASL, the MTPAFC (or what ever it was called before it be (Aug 9, 2000)
- 5: Will Jenkins (Dead) (Aug 10, 2000)
- 6: Will Jenkins (Dead) (Aug 15, 2000)
- 7: Call Me Mertens (Aug 20, 2000)
- 8: Will Jenkins (Dead) (Aug 20, 2000)
- 9: Marvin the (forgetful, paranoid, and lazy) Robot who is a member of the ASL, the MTPAFC (or what ever it was called before it be (Aug 20, 2000)
- 10: Will Jenkins (Dead) (Aug 20, 2000)
- 11: Marvin the (forgetful, paranoid, and lazy) Robot who is a member of the ASL, the MTPAFC (or what ever it was called before it be (Aug 21, 2000)
- 12: anonymousalien (Aug 21, 2000)
- 13: anonymousalien (Aug 21, 2000)
- 14: Will Jenkins (Dead) (Aug 21, 2000)
- 15: Marvin the (forgetful, paranoid, and lazy) Robot who is a member of the ASL, the MTPAFC (or what ever it was called before it be (Aug 21, 2000)
- 16: Will Jenkins (Dead) (Aug 21, 2000)
- 17: danilm (Aug 26, 2000)
- 18: Marvin the (forgetful, paranoid, and lazy) Robot who is a member of the ASL, the MTPAFC (or what ever it was called before it be (Aug 26, 2000)
- 19: Will Jenkins (Dead) (Aug 26, 2000)
- 20: Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...) (Aug 27, 2000)
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