A Conversation for The Tea Shoppe

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 121


Hi you two,thankyou for the tea,so lovely to know your both OK.Taeko,I will reply to your lovely e-mail PROMISE.Take Care ,hope we all get to chat soon Love Pinky xxx

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 122


Pinky smiley - smooch

smiley - hug

another cup of smiley - tea & smiley - cake?

smiley - biggrin

smiley - musicalnote

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 123


Teamyu,at last hahaha How are you u ? Such a long time since we chatted.Thankyou for yet another cup of tea Love Pinky xxx

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 124


Pinkysmiley - hug
smiley - ta
I'm okay, though I'm veery smiley - sleepy as it's2.26 of the 29th smiley - yawn

REMEMBER we haven't change time in Japan, we have 8 hours time differeces between the UK and Japan as you've changed into the Summer Time smiley - ok

As I found you online, I posted my message smiley - laugh

Yes, it's time to re-start our chat smiley - rose

Spring is approaching here in Japan smiley - rainbow

Take Carem Pinky smiley - cuddle

Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 125


Yes ,we did seem to lose each other for awhile Taamyu xxx Now we're back on track.I will e-mail you and your new name is now on my friends list.You get some rest, and I'll see you soon.Take Care Love Pinky xxxx

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 126


Pinky smiley - laugh

I've got 2 space(in fact 3 spaces) at the moment smiley - rofl
But if you add SAKAIJENNE into your list, I'll add you as well so that we can send "private message" smiley - ok

Well, I'll try soon smiley - biggrin

smiley - hug

Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 127


You are on my list Taamyu xxx See you soon Love Pinky xxx

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 128


Pinkysmiley - kiss
smiley - hug

got my message?

smiley - musicalnote

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 129


Yes ,thankyou Taamyu.Love Pinky xxx

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 130


smiley - ok

smiley - laughsmiley - tea

smiley - rose

smiley - musicalnote

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 131


Do you mean the one in here,or another one ? I'm confused now(I know, it's not a difficult thing to confuse me Taamyu)hahaha Love Pinky xxx

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 132


I mean the "private message" from Sakaijenne (Hello Pinky, Taamyu... kind of title) Haven't you seen it?

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 133


No,sorry I haven't noticed it Taaymu !!! I'll seek it out right now xxx Love Pinky xxx

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 134


No joy I'm afraid Taaymu.The msg hasn't arrived.You have a good day,I'll see you later must go now,need some rest before work.Take Care Love Pinky xxx

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 135


I'll try it again smiley - ok

Have a Lovely Day, Pinky smiley - rose
smiley - tea

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 136

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Shez slowly opens the door and peers inside.. She remembers a friend she met a while ago in here, Billy..
She wonders what has become of him as she's been away for a while..
She walks up to the counter and orders a smiley - tea, she then sit's at a quiet corner table, remembering the meetings she had with Billy..
"Maybe we will meet again one day", she thinks to herself.......

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 137

X+ CROSS-HEAD +X (Come and chat with me... I only bite if requested)

Is this place part of yea oLDe tea shoppe or is it a completely seperate thread?

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 138

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi ian luv... smiley - hug
i think this thread was taken over from one that was abandoned ages ago... marc originally wanted it to be like something from "as time goes by"... myself and chris tried to keep that theme but others just used it as another chat site...

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 139

(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead )

I see you found another one of my "abandoned" threads you seem to be getting quite good at this LURKING lark..have you been over to the G Cleff yet that was another project i started but when it went over to single sign in i couldn`t get back in to it i suppose the thread could still be used just wouldn`t be able to edit any of the main pages..it was supposed to be a home for the Pop Pickers Puzzlers..BTW Sheryl i got a score of 65 out of 70 on test the nation last night..and this thread was more of a `Goodnight Sweetheart` thing where you could flit between the 1940s and present..Hey I used to be a busy chappie on here didn`t i Sheryl?

Village Tea Shoppe

Post 140

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

marc.... that's the programme i meant... daft old smiley - witchsmiley - laugh

can't remember wot score i got, but it wasn't anywhere as good as that... smiley - cheers

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