I was told i should write an introduction a little bit about myself. You may be thinking didn`t this space used to belong to Simon (Elias and his jig jag jive flutes)` well you are quite right Simon is my brother-in-law i wanted to chat to, and possibly meet some nice people and he suggested i give H2G2 a try (even though he didn`t have much luck) My name is IAN I am Single(ladies!!) /28/currently live in supported tenancy..(long story)[no longer applicable now live in own flat], don`t have much luck with the ladies as i tend to lack confidence when i`m around them and end up making a fool of myself, my hobbies, I like to cook, listening to music (i love classical piano Rhackmaninov etc), long walks, and nice scenary. (am i wierd or what?) what else? what do i look like? a cross between Quazimodo and the guy out of the Mint card adverts with the huge nose (fresh air is free..lol) i do have to be careful when st stood next to walls cos i get mistaken for a pick axe think that should do for now smiley - Ian Ps if you want to chat fine if not then no skin off my NOSE..


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