A Conversation for The Tea Shoppe
Village Tea Shoppe
COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine Posted Nov 28, 2003
I`m only kissing you cos i need someone to help me clean up this place oh and cos i
managed to get the water on and electric now all i need is some brew stuff and a bulb to replace that one that is flickering..
Village Tea Shoppe
BonnieParker... Posted Nov 28, 2003
mmmmmm mm thats better now where
to start hhhhhmmmmm i think ketttle on 1st n u make a cuppa, i have brought all we need & its in basket over there >>>> while i tackle all these cobwebs n all the dust, will replace dodggy bulb in a bit
la la la la while u work
hope i get rewardarded well
Village Tea Shoppe
COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine Posted Nov 28, 2003
have to see what it looks lis like when we have cleaned up then maybe advertise for some customer..maybe we could design things like a wild west saloon to go with our user names??
regards reward think we would have to go go private for that..
mmmmmm that doesn`t taste too bad here you have one
Village Tea Shoppe
BonnieParker... Posted Nov 28, 2003
Aye n call it "The OK Corale" or summit LOL i was thinking reward= out ov ov our ts fridge lol mmmmmmmmm yum yumyum mmmmm
is lovely, ur makin it it from now on
Village Tea Shoppe
COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine Posted Nov 28, 2003
The name is going to have to stay the same cos neineither of us can chn change it unless we add a new thread and have this part for a quiet area and the new part with the wild west theme??
Village Tea Shoppe
BonnieParker... Posted Nov 28, 2003
or we could just have theme nights in here where ppl add a tag relevant to it??
what about gangsters n their moll`s n
ov course vicar`s n their wotsit`s etc etc
Village Tea Shoppe
COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine Posted Nov 28, 2003
Don`t really want to spoil the abian`ce of the place if you read through the earlier posting you will get the feeling of a victorian style tea shoppe you could even picture Poirot sitting in the corner over there>> sipping a cup of tea as he ponders over his latest case
and the steam hisses from the geyser (not me) as it waits for the next customer a plate on the counter with a couple of cakes on it and a glass cover over it..
Village Tea Shoppe
BonnieParker... Posted Nov 28, 2003
mmmmmm you make it sound so tranquil Marc i agree lets not change it, its perfect already but are you sure that was the geyser ? lol
Village Tea Shoppe
COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine Posted Nov 29, 2003
Hello again sweetheart come in pull up up a chair and i will pour you a nice strong cup of it hinkink you may have the only matching cup and saucer in the place..there some home made treacle tart on the counter if you would like a slice..make sure you put the lid back over cos these pesky flies are getting everywhere..the person who invents a way of.. getting rid of them would make a fortune in places like this..ah got one of the little blighters now where did it land?? ?? did that raisen on my
just move?
Village Tea Shoppe
BonnieParker... Posted Nov 29, 2003
i think i need a very strong cup plz, just had ppl running up n down outside my house with clubs n bricks n lasses screechin
Village Tea Shoppe
COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine Posted Nov 29, 2003
OOOOOOh that doesn`t sound to good..are you sure they wan`t just out CLUBBIN lol just seen an an axcellent user name on whose online, `princess of giggles` kind of makes the lips curl up at the edges doesn`t it?? there you go that should hit the spot was going to offer you a Park Drive or Woodbine to calm your nerves but looks like they only got Capstan full strength in the machine and thems be best left for the pit lads the coughing helps get all the dust of there lungs..
Village Tea Shoppe
BonnieParker... Posted Nov 29, 2003
Put the frigrighteners up me whatever they were up too, i was just gonna let dogs out when i heard all the commotion outside n lots ov ppv ppl running up side alley bit ov my house ???? why me ??? yes i saw that name n just been looking at space,not sorted yet!!...i don`t smoke thank you kind sir
Village Tea Shoppe
COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine Posted Nov 29, 2003
hey i never noticed that before theres a door behind that curtain i thought it said EXIT but it doesn`t it says "2003" should we see where ere it leads too???
Village Tea Shoppe
BonnieParker... Posted Nov 29, 2003
ooooooohhhhh an adventure lets go i will pack the picnic hamper so we don`t get peckish, right behind you
Village Tea Shoppe
COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine Posted Dec 1, 2003
That was a wierd adventure some rather strange things going on through there and some people?? wonder if anyone has followed us back through to here
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Village Tea Shoppe
- 21: BonnieParker... (Nov 28, 2003)
- 22: BonnieParker... (Nov 28, 2003)
- 23: COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine (Nov 28, 2003)
- 24: BonnieParker... (Nov 28, 2003)
- 25: BonnieParker... (Nov 28, 2003)
- 26: COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine (Nov 28, 2003)
- 27: BonnieParker... (Nov 28, 2003)
- 28: COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine (Nov 28, 2003)
- 29: BonnieParker... (Nov 28, 2003)
- 30: COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine (Nov 28, 2003)
- 31: BonnieParker... (Nov 28, 2003)
- 32: COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine (Nov 29, 2003)
- 33: BonnieParker... (Nov 29, 2003)
- 34: BonnieParker... (Nov 29, 2003)
- 35: COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine (Nov 29, 2003)
- 36: BonnieParker... (Nov 29, 2003)
- 37: BonnieParker... (Nov 29, 2003)
- 38: COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine (Nov 29, 2003)
- 39: BonnieParker... (Nov 29, 2003)
- 40: COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine (Dec 1, 2003)
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