A Conversation for Smudger Snippets


Post 1

Zantic - Who is this woman??

Heyla Smudger;

Keep trying for the repair it yourself angle. I did this with my car a few months back. Went to a garage and they said as it was a Nissan only part that had upped and died, I'd have to take it to the Nissan dealer and shell out a hundred - all because the battery positive collar broke.

Easy enough to replace unless of course the immobilizer is held on by a special contraption which is an integral part of the collar and the b*ggers won't just sell you a new collar - you have to buy a whole new wiring block.

Fortunately me and the man from the RAC bodged it with a 'temporary' repair that will hold till doomsday (or until I have to replace the collar again.)

I've come to the conclusion that if it ain't under warranty you have the bounden duty to bodge it till it works. Either that or change trade and become one of the people that profit from the manufacturers best before date. And it's all good for the environment too! smiley - winkeye

Zantic smiley - dragon


Post 2


Yea! Zantic, Thats the way to do itsmiley - laugh I did a ptch up of a job on an old motor of mine years ago. I saw the same car years later and spoke to the new owner, my patch up job was still holdingsmiley - laughsmiley - ok
Glad you read the Snippet, it s good to get feed back from time to timesmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,


Post 3

several, a/k/a random

in the far past, i could actually open my auto's hood and adjust a part. now, to change my oil, i need to be a bleeping contortionist and turn my elbow backwards to just loosen the bugger, much less replace the dang filter.
smiley - musicalnote


Post 4


Yea! I know what you mean, these days a car engine is more like a computer? You cant do the simple things any more by yourselfsmiley - erm
Our car has a computer under the front seat, that tells you everything the car is doing, how far you can go on the remaining fuel, how many miles to the next service, and stuff like thatsmiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

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