A Conversation for Lancaster City Football Club

Peer Review: A4025044 - Lancaster City Football Club

Post 1


Entry: Lancaster City Football Club - A4025044
Author: Egon - U148120

An entry on one of England's minor football teams.

A4025044 - Lancaster City Football Club

Post 2

Number Six

What top Dutch side???

smiley - mod

A4025044 - Lancaster City Football Club

Post 3


Oh, did I forget to include the name? It was NAC Breda, but he was kept out the team by Ernie Stewart and Archil Arveladze.

A4025044 - Lancaster City Football Club

Post 4


I've rejigged the footnote to include a mention of NAC.

A4025044 - Lancaster City Football Club

Post 5

Mu Beta

I think, according to the correct style, your Subheader are all supposed to be Headers.


A4025044 - Lancaster City Football Club

Post 6

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Good article, Egon. Well-structured and very readable smiley - ok.

A4025044 - Lancaster City Football Club

Post 7


Thanks Amy.

B, I've de-subbed all the headers- I always get confused about what the house style is for them- because surely the title is the actual header and all the rest are subsections and therefore subheaders- that's he logic I was using but I stand corrected.

A4025044 - Lancaster City Football Club

Post 8

McKay The Disorganised

smiley - ok

smiley - cider

A4025044 - Lancaster City Football Club

Post 9


Any more comments on how to improve this?

A4025044 - Lancaster City Football Club

Post 10


Nope. It looks just fine from where I'm sitting smiley - smiley

A4025044 - Lancaster City Football Club

Post 11

McKay The Disorganised

I know it wasn't a tremendously useful post. smiley - erm I have no suggestions for improvements.

smiley - cider

A4025044 - Lancaster City Football Club

Post 12


Actually, I consider posts ike yours to be helpful- the fact that people think it's as good as it can be is positive. It's just that when people point out problems it actually gives me something to do, whereas positive posts just leave me twiddling my thumbs ands waiting for it to be picked.

A4025044 - Lancaster City Football Club

Post 13

Mu Beta

Well, if all you want is something to do, I'm sure I can make a few suggestions...smiley - evilgrin


A4025044 - Lancaster City Football Club

Post 14


I'm just shamelessly bumping this up the PR list in order to catch the attention of anyone who may have missed it.

A4025044 - Lancaster City Football Club

Post 15


I like this, I think it's an interesting entry. There are a few niggles though.

it's record result -> its record result

"The stars of this period of success in the 1920s..."
This sentence doesn't make sense. I think you either want to say:
'The stars on whom this period of success were built include players such as...' or
'This period of success...was built on some of the clubs best players...'
or some variant on the above.

There are points were you use 'like', for example, the above sentence, where 'such as' would be better, IMO.

"As the town was re-christened a City, so was the club"
This isn't strictly true, the club didn't become a City. I would say something like '...re-christened a City, the club was renamed to reflect this'.

There should be a gap before the 'The Dolly Blues' header.

Also, I'm curious why the stadium is called 'Giant Axe'.

A4025044 - Lancaster City Football Club

Post 16


"I'm curious why the stadium is called Gaint Axe"

So am I. I have emailed one of the club's directors of my acquaintance to ask, but I don't think he's checking his email at the moment- out of season and all that- An Ask jeeves Search didn't help, I'll keep exploring avenues to find that out.

I'll fix those other points now.

A4025044 - Lancaster City Football Club

Post 17


Right, thanks to the club secretary Barry newsham, I now have an answer to the question of Giant Axe's name, which I will mould intot he entry in a minute.

This is what Mr NEwsham has told me:

"The name of Lancaster City's ground is quite simple in the fact that in
years gone by, the boundary wall from the sky took the form of a huge axe
head. The name Giant Axe was then derived.
The original football ground was in the middle of a huge circle of grass
(older people may refer to it as "the sixpence"). In summer four local
cricket teams used to play on it at the same time. Also around
this"sixpence" was a cinder running track.
At that time their were other facilities which included a bowling green and
two tennis courts (no longer seen).
The football ground today is now four sided."


Post 18


Well I've worked out that post #17 is almost certainly Egon's.

Now I wonder what it says.

* twiddles thumbs *

It was

Post 19


indeed my post. Look.

It was

Post 20


The contents of which have been incorporated into the entry smiley - smiley

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