A Conversation for Rolling a joint inside out in Seven Steps

A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 1

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Hello... I just skimmed the list of availables and thought it was a bit poor atm, so i've gone ahead and added one i prepped earlier...

I'm not a serious stoner anymore, but have been and i'd like to share a good technique with the community.


Enjoy, and keep rolling.


Post 2


This post has been removed.

A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 3

Almighty Rob - mourning the old h2g2

Not bad, but one typo - 'filtre' should read 'filter'.


A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 4


Good one PoHI smiley - smiley Always good to find another technique smiley - smiley In a better world this would be on the front page for all Researchers to contribute to smiley - smiley The only bit I had trouble with was the first step, I couldn't get my head around what you were doing with the filter. Sorry, just reread it and I think maybe 'harmonica' should be 'accordian' (of course this could be me off on a tangent smiley - smiley but it seems to make more sense - you get a zig-zaggy 'grate' bit? Shouldn't have any problems getting into the Edited Guide (I would have thought), though this sounds like a hard way to roll. You should do an Entry like this, but using 'ordinary' sized papers, or maybe I will (if you decide not to and I find the time smiley - smiley and one on the easiest way to roll, and one.....no I will stop there smiley - smiley I enjoyed this Entry, what more can you say smiley - smiley Until later....
BCNU - Crescent

A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 5

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Thanks Crescent, and BCNU2.

Anyways, i've changed the name and stated purpose of the article (it's more modest: merely one of many ways of rolling instead of the onlyway to roll a good one) and I've made Amsterdam one of the marihuana freetowns in stead of the only one.

'Harmonica' has become 'accordeon'.

Everybody Happy? Let me hear you say 'YEAH!'

A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 6


BCNU - Crescent

A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 7


Hmmm... well there is a joint in front of me using many o fthe techniques described here .. but I must admit it was a bit confusing through the middle. The use I got out of it was for the various smaller techniques described .. say .. do you want to see if we could do a university project on thisa .. there really are many techniques that could be explored (filter making/paper types and size, grades and species of marijuara/hash and their effects, type and variety of pipes and finally individual joint rolling instructions ... what do you think?

~Beeblefish (Waiting for 4:20) smiley - fish

A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 8

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Hm... that sounds like a very good idea. Very good indeed.
I like it!
We should watch out though: the subject is large, and it's easy to lose yourself in the varieties. But I agree that various techniques and main species might be explored...

And thanks for trying out the technique described here. If you begot SOMETHING smokeable from it, more power to both of us because it's really one of the most tricky techniques I know, but I don't say that in the article now do I.

Beeblefish, Beeblefish, now haven't I seen your name associated with other uni-o-l projects? I do recall something. All the more reason to work together, because I've never been with said uni.

On the side, What are you waiting for, really?
And is that 4 hrs 20 mins or 4 mins 20 secs?

A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 9


I havent done any Uni projects no .. but I'm around and about. I got the inside out bit .. but I didnt use 5 tsp and a whole cigarette .. as it was just for me and here that is about $40 worth of pot!! Incidentally .. what size are the standard papers there? because here they are not big enough to roll the j you mention, unless it ends up being a cone an inch and a half wide at one end!!

Also .. your filter description was a bit confusing .. I had to do it a couple times before I got your meaning .. nice filter though ...

And I was waiting for 4:20 .. the international Pot Smoker's Tea Time smiley - smiley

~Beeblefish smiley - fish

A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 10

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Hm, well then I must have been mistaken. ABout your uni involvement that is.

...the standard papers for j's here (from the mentioned brands in the article) are about 9cm long, 3 cm wide.

... I found the filtre description quite tricky to write actually.
I try to describe actions and technique that is so much easier conveyed by image than word. Can we include pictures in articles? If there's no copyright issue that is.

In my posting, I'll propose a series of topics related to our initiative for us to elaborate on, try and beat me to it!

A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 11

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

I was trying to read and roll along. But I found my developed reflexes took over in an impulsive and impatient way and presto-zippity-do in about ten seconds I done one the way I been doin doobies for thirty odd years and the next thing I know ..well tha's jus' it, eh, now I dunno, eh...
*wanders off singing "Smoke Get In Your Eyes" a romantic love ballad from the good old days when men were men and America needed a good five cent cigar*
Yeah, I'll read it later, man, yeah, right-on...

A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 12


This is well written and covers historically significant information.

I had some exprerience hand rolling smokes in the '60s and 70's, but I never saw or heard of this technique. I am very impressed.

While this article is currently unacceptable to the cens . . . erm, moderators (I'm not upset about it, I just don't like euphemisms, even though I use them myself) because this could be viewed as advocating illegal activities in some countries, this article is very nice and does demonstrate a technique of historic interest.

I hope people won't mind if I make this suggestion:

Rename the article to Rolling Smoking Materials by Hand, then remove all mentions of specific mentions of what constitutes proper smoking materials (if necessary, non-prohibited materials could be listed as examples but that is to two faced for even me), and add an introduction which identifies this as an historic technique still practiced by modern smokers.

Incidentally, if anyone knows how to roll a cigarette one handed and can do a write up, the world will owe you a debt of gratitude for providing for its preservation.


A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 13

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

The world has indeed lost a hand and will be lost without it.

It is patently ridiculous that all the other postings in this thread survive, referring as they do to the main entry which has been removed.

Show me the laws that say you can't 'talk about' illegal activity and I'll ask you to ban the Ten Commandments because they discuss the possibility of sin, murder, rape, theft, incest, blasphemy...

Perhaps the removed posting could be reinstated with a disclaimer saying 'this posting was written and was entered into discussion by free thinking individuals with a keen interest in the subject back in the good old days when h2g2 was a forum for original and improbable thought before we got all tightarzed about content' or some such.

Barton, there was a cowboy in the movies who made a name for himself (which I can't remember) for rolling with one hand. I've tried it, it's hard, never did it well enough to enjoy the smoke, but with patience and practise it can be done. Not much help in saving the world though I'm afraid. So the world owes me nought.

A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 14

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

PS: Apologies all round. Sorry.

I just realised the original A-article has now been re-instated at


complete with a matter-of-fact disclaimer.

If the moderators would be like to remove my rant above, I would not object.

But what then is missing from Post #2?

A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 15

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

If I remember correctly there was a link to an external site.

I'd like to get this article through PR, because judging by Marks added link, it has chances of being accepted by moderation. The BBC radio seems to have data on a plethora of drugs, soi why can't we, must be the case. Yo Mark on that..

I'll do some formatting now, but I'd like to hear from you how it can be made better, unclear bits and pieces...

smiley - smiley

A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 16


I remember the movie and it was supposedly Jimmy Stewart doing it but the shot was cut in such a way that it was likely someone else's hands. I watched it being done, so I know it can be done, I'd just like step by step instructions. smiley - smiley

Prez, I really think this entry is fine the way it is except for the fact that it clearly seems to advocate smoking cannabis. I may have missed something (because I really haven't looked) but I doubt that the other articles on illegal drugs actually push readers to try them.

In any case, this article isn't really about cannabis, it's about rolling a j with some incidental information on maximizing the pleasure of smoking it after it is rolled, which, incidentally, represents a philosophy that would have been totally foreign to the people I used to smoke with back when I used to smoke. smiley - smiley These were people who weren't interested in a pleasant buzz, they wanted to be knocked over, paralyzed, and watching strange things march in and out of the closet. I must say that the closet issue was where *I* parted company with them. (Hard to imagine that I was ever that young. Well, not hard to imagine but very hard to remember. -- This is your brain. This is your brain on . . . what was I talking about, man?)


A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 17

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Jimmy Stewart it was then!
But was it "A Wonderful Life" or "Mr Smith Goes To Washington". If it was in "Harvey" y'wouldna seen it, eh? And in "Shanandoah" he was too good to smoke.

Well if it does become an 'edited guide entry' please ask them to remove all my postings. I'm getting tired of 'edited guide entries' showing up on my page as if I had anything to do with them, just because I posted a few smartass remarks in an thread attached to the entry. Damned if I want this one on my page! Not with all that closet nonsense.

A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 18

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

tee hee hee.

but you're right about entries bearing your name without you feeling rightfully credited, I know. I guess it's more wishywashy policy explorations going on. Where's the fine line between giving credit to whom it's due and.. overkill?

Barton, I might strike what you see as cannabis endorsement, though i thought the disclaimer at the top would be enough.

A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 19

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

smiley - devil

The entry was hidden, pending a decision about T&C!
and then I pressed 'edit entry' and did some dabbling, and updated and now it's there again!


smiley - devil

A402157 - Rolling a joint in seven steps

Post 20

Almighty Rob - mourning the old h2g2

Every time you edit and update an entry, it has to be checked by the moderators again. This may sound clever, but it's really not fair on them, and eventually they'll get annoyed and crack down on you.

Also, be careful - this entry may be banned under the new BBC guidelines. Apparently providing information is tantamount to encouraging criminal activities.

Don't see it myself, but the ultra-conservative overlords will interfere...

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