A Conversation for Escape From Poco Island...

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 141


That was a fight for that one! *drags palm log into place* I'm probably losing the competition race by bouncing from camp to camp but...what the heck! Your plans for that barbeque built from plane parts is too cool!

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 142


*wish I'd thought of it smiley - smiley*

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 143


*amazed at ox's rate of travel between camps.*
Glad you're here warrior bro.
Reading all these threads I'm glad I've got two monitors smiley - smiley

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 144


Got to run to the other camp...got a feeling...

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 145

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* Peaceful gets a feeling too... she breaks three nails, and feels devastated. Still, knowing the camp is being rebuilt is reassuring.

She looks at Kes sleeping, smiles!

But where is Lintilla? How did the child fare the storm?

Lovers can be so selfish...

Peaceful hopes someone has looked after the child. But she also knows that Lintilla is wise for her years...

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 146


*grins at Peaceful, happy in his work*
How about a bar-b-q tonite?

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 147


PE, that shark skin will probably be rough enough to buff down your nails.

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 148

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* grins back +

* pretends she is not a vegetarian...

* she believes eating is fattening anyway,

* and she's on the prudent farmer's horse's diet... [new fad]

Thanks! I'll bring some roots and stuff...

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 149

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}


* Peaceful takes the shark skin and buffs her erodes nails...

Very kind of you...

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 150

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

* her erodes nails were eroded...

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 151


*puts a few more nits of driftwood on the fire to keep it going*
This third wall is nearly done, time to think about the front.
*drinks from container and surveys work so far*

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 152


*guess I bought same spellchooker as PE then smiley - smiley*

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 153


*Wandering along the beach Kiddo finds the other tribe's camp*

Kiddo:I come in peace. Howdy all!

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 154

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Is that a reference to Peaceful Earthling?

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 155


Hey there kiddo
You sorted your shirt?

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 156


Kiddo: Ox said I could use her's, but I think I can live with only one sleeve.

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 157


Hey there WR, yes it was....
Grab yourself a log by the fire, there might be some fish left if you're hungry.
I gather your 5* hotel didn't appear then.
Maybe I'll make a start on a Sheraton after this cabin is finished smiley - smiley

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 158


Kiddo: I'll see you later.
*Goes off to the hilltops*

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 159


*Stands back and looks at the cabin so far*
Ooo me back!
*North, west and south walls reach 5ft, thatched Palm leaves, lashed with vine onto two frames, form a windproof sloping roof*
That should do us for a while, and at least keep us out of the wind.
The front I'll work on tomorrow, but in the meantime I'll get a fire going a few feet in front of it.
*Thinks.....and later it's machine gun testing time*

smiley - winkeye

The sun's coming out.......(Day4)

Post 160


Eatsmice! It looks good! There's a thatched-roof over at Cragi now and the fire pit's freshly cleaned...*surveys eats' effort* You haven't been sleeping!*

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