A Conversation for Graphic Ants
A bigger map?
tom Started conversation Jan 5, 2002
Hi Amy the ant
I do like the shop and the material there.
The map is handy but I've been looking for one showing more of the Island. The shop at the campsite doesn't have any and I wondered if you did? I can't see anything in the Post recently. What I mean is a more extensive map rather than a bigger one.
If not I've no cartography skills but do like maps and would be prepared to try a little amateur surveying after the fashion of the Swallows and Amazons.
A bigger map?
Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive Posted Jan 6, 2002
I'm glad you like the map. I'm afraid Graphic Ants is closed at the moment due to my ill health and I can't see myself being well enough to make a bigger map at the moment.
We all live on h2g2 Island and most of us hang around a lot in places in The Town. The oldest part of The Town is the area around the pub that used to be known as the Forum and Firkin. There are cellars under the pub, and caves, that suggest a long history going back as far as the Ice Age. Kitty is the only researcher who can remember those times but he seems to have gone walk-about. Some research relating to the F&F can be found in the archives of the Post.
You may find this article useful - or possibly confusing and contradictory . http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A413308
Drop in again.
Amy the Ant
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A bigger map?
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