A Conversation for Graphic Ants
The sacred colours
Ormondroyd Started conversation Sep 16, 2001
Hi Amy - hope you're feeling a bit better.
I've only just discovered this page, as a result of an unfortunate misunderstanding with Yossarian Prefect. I was startled to see the you designed for my 'Post' column on his page, and I thought he must have fishnapped it from one of my columns! He explained that he'd got the
from here.
Obviously I can't be possessive about a that you designed, and designed superbly. I love the way you represented me so aptly by making the
look plump and grumpy.
However, if you are going to invite people to copy that on to their Personal Spaces, perhaps you should add a warning explaining the significance of its colour scheme. Researchers who copy the
might be a bit puzzled if they suddenly find themselves being taken for Bradford City supporters by English soccer fans.
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The sacred colours
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