A Conversation for FLAMENCO TABLAO

The stage

Post 1

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

*a small stage located at one end of the Tablao*

Guitar performance

Post 2


(into microphone)

"Sorry I'm late, but the van was playing up again... Anyway, I'm BigRedBall and I'll be your guitarist tonight"

*tunes guitar*
"This piece is called Lamento Guitano, and it goes out to all you hoopy froods out there"

*de de dum dum de de dum de daa daa. dee dee dum de de dum daa, daa daa dee dum da da*


"Thanks, that song is very close to my heart. No, really, I do keep the songbook around rather a lot.
"This song is called Fandanguillo, and it's by the legendary Spanish composer Bartalomé Cataluyud. Check it out."

*guitar 'b' string snaps*

"Okay, we seem to have a guitar problem here. Can i have another guitar please?"

*after two or three minutes deadly silence a guitar is produced from the wings of the small stage*

"Thanks. Anyway, here it is."

*dum de de dum deeee, da dum dee dee dum da dum de de, de dum dum da dum de dum da dum deeeeeeeeeeee.


"Thank you, you've been a fantastic audience, and may I finally say thanks to Kristina, the Kristina the Flamenco Dancer, for kindly giving me the opportunity to play to you folks. Goodnight!"

*walks off stage, trips and breaks second guitar*

Guitar performance

Post 3

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse


Won't you have a glass of wine with me, we have excellent Rioja wines?

Juan! Any of that paella left?

[Juan] Si señorita!

Guitar performance

Post 4


Certainly, miss Kristina!

I do enjoy a good Spanish meal... unfortunately the closest I get to that in my house is chicken fried rice!

Are you the proprietor of this fine establishment?

Guitar performance

Post 5

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

Si, BigRedBall, I am..

*waits while Juan places two plates of freshly made paella on the table*

*pours them both another Y of Rioja*

So.. what brought you to this place? *looks at BigRedBall with her piercing, flaming dark eyes*

Guitar performance

Post 6


*puts on dancing shoes and begins to limber up*

Guest Artist tonight: Abi!

Post 7

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

Another guest artist! How exciting!

Is there anything I can help you with, Abi? Musicians, dance partner, refreshments?smiley - smiley

Guest Artist tonight: Abi!

Post 8

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

You'll find dressing rooms and showers over there.. *points*
And there's a back door, in case you want to exit discreetly afterwards and avoid the autograf hunters..smiley - winkeye

The stage

Post 9

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse


*alerted by the roars from dressing room, the artists hastily enter the stage, getting prepared*

*a low mumbling can be heard, as they discuss which music would match those roars*

The stage

Post 10

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

*Kristina enters stage*

*dressed in a wide red skirt, a hand embroidered black silk shawl draped around upper body, with flower embroideries in red, and long black silk fringes flowing over bare shoulders, hair tied up in a knot decorated with red flowers, and black suede dancing shoes*

*glares at guitar player*

The stage

Post 11

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

[Guitar player]

*nods at dancer, says* Buleria? (a fast, fierce and fervent dance)


*nods back, confirmingly*

*straightens back, bosom heaving, proud posture*

*glares into the darkness beneath the headlights*

*glare causing the picture of Paco de Lucia crashing down, again*


*sighs, making a mental note of using a steady hook instead of a frail nail next time*

The stage

Post 12

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse


*starts dancing, slowly at first, swinging her skirts in elegant waves, weaving intricate patterns with her wrists*

*slowly increasing tempo*

The stage

Post 13

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse


*increasing in tempo as well as vigour*

*footwork growing more intense*

*pirouettes growing in speed and number*

The stage

Post 14

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

*feet now hammering the stage with such ferociousness that it's causing the wooden plank floor of the tablao to vibrate as well*

*pirouettes now so fast that the red skirts look like leaping flames*

*flowers flying*

*hair loosening, flowing over shoulders*

The stage

Post 15

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

*the dance ends, abruptly, with Kristina frozen like a statue in a fiery pose, bosom heaving, pearls of sweat at temples, hair in a mess*

The stage

Post 16

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

*leaves stage*

The stage

Post 17

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

*puts out all the lights except one spotlight over the stage*

*enters stage, looks out over the dark and seemingly empty tablao*

*dressed in a black skirt and black long sleeved dance body*

*hears music inside her head*

The stage

Post 18

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

*footwork exercise*





The stage

Post 19

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse


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