A Conversation for pro-life and pro-choice
Hey, you. . .
azahar Posted May 3, 2005
hi guys,
Well, that wasn't a bid for sympathy or anything, but thanks anyhow. I just thought that since this topic keeps coming up, having my story here would save me having to re-write it all the time. So, more about laziness than anything else. . .
Hey, you. . .
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted May 3, 2005
Laziness? Maybe. I'd call it 'practicality', myself.
Hey, you. . .
azahar Posted May 3, 2005
Thanks anhaga - I knew that.
I've never written a guide entry on my page before. And I reckon this one still needs a bit of work as it was written very quickly in one big emotional rush. But I'm not ready to re-read it quite yet.
Hey, you. . .
azahar Posted May 3, 2005
hi Chris,
Are you Chris of 'Chris and Stitches'?
Thanks for taking the time to read my entry and also for your kind and caring reply. Though of course I didn't feel brave at all at the time. More like a raving lunatic.
I think I'd like the piece to show more clearly the mistreatment I received from the anti-abortionist doctor because this to me was the worst of the entire experience. A medical doctor who had presumably taken the Hippocratic oath, who then put his own personal religious beliefs ahead of the life of a patient. So I'll do a bit more editing on that later on.
Hey, you. . .
Chris Morris Posted May 4, 2005
Hello Az, yes, it is the Chris and Stitches one (I should think of a proper nickname sometime - using my real name was meant to be ironical, originally, but it's just confusing!)
Apologies for the wordless posting - I did write something but all the words looked so inadequate in the face of what you'd written that I deleted it. My wife comes from a Catholic background and as a consequence dislikes all religions fairly democratically but she reserves a special hatred for the sort of hypocrisy that seems inherent in Catholicism
By the way, Stitches is in hospital tomorrow for what's probably her 26th general anaesthetic. She'd had 22 by the time she was 7 but we lost count after that. The anaesthetist always assured us that GA's didn't have any long term problems but it was getting to the point that she wasn't recovering from the last one before the next one so the consultant asked her if he could do most of the procedures without one. She said yes because she's become terrified of them. Judging by the shock and horror expressed throughout the hospital I suspect this was the first time this had ever been tried but it worked and her health has improved considerably. However, he still sometimes has to do more drastic procedures where a GA is necessary.
She sometimes gets a pre-med that calms her down before the anaesthetic (one time she lay on the bed with a happy smile muttering about the pretty chairs floating around the ceiling so I asked if I could try some but they refused)
Hey, you. . .
azahar Posted May 8, 2005
hi Chris,
How did it go - how is Stitches feeling? Speaking of 'inadequate words', I can't seem to find any words to properly express my 'all about Stitches' feelings. When I think about her I am filled with feelings of warmth, sadness, happiness, tenderness, respect (even awe), caring, hope . . . it's a nice place inside me that feels good to visit. Especially thinking about how well-loved she is.
Anyhow, Noggin and I send our love and best-wishes to all of you.
And thank you for passing on your wife's very supportive thoughts, as well as your own.
Hey, you. . .
Chris Morris Posted May 8, 2005
Thank you, both - she did very well. She woke up after about 2 hours without being sick so she was quite happy. A film crew making a TV series about the hospital was there so we got filmed walking down to the operating theatre! We even managed to get home in time to vote (we live in one of the safest Labour seats in the country so voting is a bit of an academic exercise). The only thing she was annoyed about was that the blood was still running out of her ears - it's just about dried up now - so she had to miss the keyboard lesson and athletic club on Thursday night, swimming at school on Friday, dancing school on Saturday and horseriding on Sunday! (Yes, we're hoping she gives up some activities when she starts High school!!)
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Hey, you. . .
- 1: anhaga (May 2, 2005)
- 2: Ivan the Terribly Average (May 3, 2005)
- 3: azahar (May 3, 2005)
- 4: Ivan the Terribly Average (May 3, 2005)
- 5: anhaga (May 3, 2005)
- 6: azahar (May 3, 2005)
- 7: Chris Morris (May 3, 2005)
- 8: azahar (May 3, 2005)
- 9: Mother of God, Empress of the Universe (May 3, 2005)
- 10: Chris Morris (May 4, 2005)
- 11: azahar (May 8, 2005)
- 12: Chris Morris (May 8, 2005)
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