A Conversation for pro-life and pro-choice
clzoomer- a bit woobly Started conversation May 10, 2005
I stumbled on this entirely through different threads and I want to thank you for your heart and head.
You know I have mentioned elsewhere that occasionally I've been concerned with the lack of *human-ness* in some aspects of Hootoo. I see the brilliant upbeat comedic take on life that DNA had being ignored in a few dark corners of this wonderful place.
With this single intelligent message from the heart that leaves a little of you here, I have great hope for the future.
Be well, take care, and kiss your cat for me.
azahar Posted May 15, 2005
I thought I replied to this the other day. Leastways, I intended to. . .
Thanks for you kind words, honey.
I kissed both cats for you!
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