A Conversation for Talking Point: What's the Most Difficult Thing You've Ever Had to do?

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Post 1


Would you say it had to be something physical, or emotional?

Could be either. Sometimes a combination of both. I think pushing emotional limits has a deeper, longer lasting effect than physical ones. Apart from the autonomic system kicking in when you don't have time to think, it's emotions that drive the physical actions.

Do things get harder as you/they get older?

Physically the boundaries tend to close in as you get older. Emotionally things change. Priorities change.

Are some things merely disguised as being difficult?

Some say the first step is the hardest - certainly activities often seem worse during anticipation than in progress. What's hard for one person may be easy for another.

Are there more difficult things than easy things, or the same?

Depends how you view them.

Are certain things only difficult for a short time, while others stay hard forever?

Yes. A difficult task/situation may be concluded satisfactorily, or there may be ongoing long term effects.

Do you always take the soft option?

There isn't always a soft option to take. Sometimes what seems a soft option has unseen implications. But yes, where I can, I take life easy.

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