A Conversation for Hypatia of Alexandria

A A brief history of Amnesia

Post 1

Gone again

A great article. Well done. Make this an Official Entry NOW. smiley - winkeye

The more I learn of history, the more I think that what's omitted is more important than what's included. smiley - sadface Thus women are ignored. The poor are ignored in favour of the 'rich and powerful'. Non-white people are ignored (at least in the schooling I received in Great Britain in the '60s and '70s). I imagine there are many other groups who've been excluded, but I haven't noticed them yet.

Perhaps history should spawn a new sub-discipline: Forgotten Heroes (and heroines, of course!) smiley - winkeye


A A brief history of Amnesia

Post 2


You're right Pattern-Chaser, that would indeed be cool smiley - smiley

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A A brief history of Amnesia

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