Skull Island

6 Conversations

smiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - pirateWelcome to Skull Island! smiley - piratesmiley - pirate

Skull Island – a spleen-shaped island in the middle of a tropical ocean.

You stand on a beach on the east side of the island. For a description of what can be seen from here, see below.


A Brief History of the Island…

As a new recruit to the pirate ship ‘Fang of the Squishy Rubber Marks’, Superbrit the Master Gunner brought only a few items aboard with him. Among these was an ancient travelling chest, which he used to store his spare clothes and personal supply of teabags. Whilst rummaging around one day in search of a clean pair of Y-fronts (pirates are notoriously reticent with their laundry), he discovered a piece of folded paper tucked into a tear in the lining of the chest. On unfolding it he gasped in surprise as a mysterious map was revealed.

It was a map of a small, spleen-shaped island in the middle of an ocean. The title of the map read ‘Skull Island’. Right there in the middle of the island was a bright red cross, that most beloved and promising of piratesque clichés.

After deliberating for some time on what to do with his discovery, Superbrit eventually decided to share it with the rest of the crew. The pirates took up the challenge of unearthing the secrets of Skull Island with unbridled enthusiasm and set off at once, only looking back once when they realised they’d forgotten to cancel the milk.

Here’s how Superbrit described the island;

The map shows a strange island in the shape of a skull. A fortress is shown in the centre of the island. To the north of the fortress is a swamp. To the east is a native village and to the west a huge forest with a clearing in the centre. Someone has drawn a cross in the centre of the clearing ( no idea what that could be ! ). Beyond the swamp is a high mountain with smoke rising from its peak.

Here’s how everyone else described the island;

Hot. And sandy.

A view of Macchu Picchu

…And on to the Present Day.

Explore the island if you dare – but don’t forget! We pirates are everywhere and are absolutely prepared to fight for any spoils that may be forthcoming. smiley - pirate

Shake your Booty!!!

Skull Island is pretty much unexplored as of yet, but the areas apparent at a first glance are the harbour where the pirate ship is moored, the lagoon, the mountains (are those monoliths up there?) a jungle full of what appears to be exotic plants and birds, and, of course, the beach.

There’s a lot of the island to discover, so take a copy of the map and seek your fortune!

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