A Conversation for Children's Programming Languages
Back_Ache Started conversation Apr 8, 2004
nice artical, it makes me want to learn more which is a very good thing, I like yourself have always prefered my programs to make somthing physical happen and I think it is important to make the link in kids minds between programming a physical things happening.
anyway the sinclair machine were like this
zx80 - a small white doorstop like machine with a hunch back (for it's heatsink) and a membrane keyboard, you could even buy it in bits and make it yourself.
zx81 - a small black doorstop like machine without a hunchback but still with a membrane keyboard
spectrum (traditional)- had silly rubber keyboard and came with either 16 or 48k of memory
spectrum (funked-up) - looked like it was made out of black lego, even the keyboard!
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