Did I Leave The Iron On?

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Did I Leave The Iron On? <br/>
by Greebo T Cat

Several A/K/A Random's 'sporting blues'

This week's AmSports report is severely truncated and otherwise limited due to several random circumstances careening out of control at once.

One note that MUST be made, however, is Tiger Woods winning his fourth Masters golf championship and ninth overall 'major' title, and the announced retirement of golfing great Jack Nicklaus from Masters competition. The 'Golden Bear' will still be involved with golfing, as is Arnold Palmer.

Those are three names that will NEVER leave the game of golf.

Over and out.

Elsewhere, in a Small Place Called Europe

A disastrous Saturday as Northampton, despite taking the lions share of possesion, couldn't get a grip on their game. By half time Bath held a commanding lead and Saints just couldn't pull back enough in the second half. They lost 30-12, scored no tries and now languish second from bottom of the Zurich table. On Friday they play Newcastle, who are safely sitting seventh, and they really must win convincingly to stand any hope of remaining in the Premier League. Rumours that Jonny Wilkinson will be declared fit to play for the Falcons after months of trouble with a knee injury don't exactly help matters! Bath, meanwhile, celebrate as their win puts them third in the tables and back in contention again. They take on London Irish next and must really fancy their chances.

The Lions squad selected to tour New Zealand has finally been announced. Brian O'Driscoll is named captain and heads an 11-strong group from Ireland. Joining them are 10 Welshmen and three Scots - leaving the other 20 places for Englishmen. This has caused some controversy after the poor showing from England in the Six Nations.

Balls of a Different Shape

It appears that nothing has been learnt from the the Heysel Stadium Tragedy. On Tuesday there were disgraceful scenes as rival fans of two Italian sides vied for a place in the semi-finals of the Champions League. The disruption was so bad that the game was abandoned after the AC Milan goalkeeper was hit by a flare thrown by an Inter Milan so-called 'supporter'. Elsewhere the efforts of reconciliation witnessed last week in Liverpool all went to waste as 50 plus Juventas fans caused problems to the visiting side's supporters. Liverpool kept their cool and held Juventas to a 0-0 draw - enough for Liverpool to go through on a 2-1 aggregate. Chelsea actually lost to Bayern Munich 2-3 but also go through with an aggregate of 6-5.

The tension in this house was all focussed on Eindhoven as PSV played Lyon. Both sides scored once in the main game which left them all level. A further 30 minutes play still had them locked together so it was all down to the dreaded penalties... which, thanks to the PSV goalkeeper Gomes, ended in 4-2 to the Dutch side. So, two English sides will battle it out at the end of this month and beginning of the next and the Dutch side will have to take their chances against whichever Italian side is declared 'winner' on Friday.

Did I Leave The Iron On?


Several a.k.a. Random 
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