A Conversation for Archangel PARTY!!!!!

This is the PARTY thread...

Post 1

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*Tweetie is hovering at the door, waiting for everyone to arrive, all set to take coats and halos*
*Next to her are some sets of wings, activated for this party only*
For the first 10 non-Angels to arrive smiley - winkeye
*Inside there is a huge bar, massive dance floor and a giant table filled with yummy treats (including Galaxy Babe's Angel cake)*
*Over in the corner music is pouring from a gigantic sound system*
*And, at the very back of the room, a poster covers the entire wall, reading:*

This is the PARTY thread...

Post 2

Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)


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Post 3

Fashion Cat


*adjusts wings, halo and robe...* Ok, here's the champagne, lets celebrate people! smiley - bigeyes

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Post 4

Fashion Cat

*pops out and reappears wearing long, flowing, shimmering golden robe, with matching wings and halo* hehe... should turn a few heads..

oh, and Tweet, where should I put these balloons, fridge full of alcohol and water column I brought round for you....? smiley - bigeyes

*goes over to the stereo and puts on some music...*

This is the PARTY thread...

Post 5

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*flutter of wings
Hi everyone, this must be the place! Ah, yes, I spy my Angel Cake, hovering above that lovely glass plate Tweetie gave me, to put it on {but I knew if I'd baked it correctly, that it should float above the plate}....smiley - smiley
What's this? Hand over my halo? Awwwwww do I have to?? OK then, but I am warning you now, I might NOT behave, without it! smiley - fish
So, are there many here then, or am I early again?
*looks around the room
OOH......I see some VERY interesting people here, and when is the ceremony going to start?
What's that? Three new Archangels tonight?? WOW! I hope it's Tweetie!!
Fashion Cat! You look fantastic!!! *turns head twice, no, thrice*
Anyone else here tri-sexual? smiley - smileysmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fish

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Post 6

Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)

Mmm, cake.

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Post 7

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

You know what, don't even tell me smiley - winkeye
*flutters over to FC and hugs her*
*grabs her halo*
None of those tonight smiley - winkeye
Now what was that about champagne?

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Post 8


*flies in on specially-outfitted white shining slim-line cannon*
The booze dispenser has arrived. I am the SOLE distibuterre of pish and whill dohl it out ash i shee fit-hehehehehe!
*pushes buttons*
*vodka jellies*
Acting on shtrong demandsh!
Champain in a minit luvvie..........hehehehehehehehehe!

This is the PARTY thread...

Post 9

Titania (gone for lunch)

*floating in, in her usual vague, elf-like manner*

Hi all!smiley - smiley

Wow, wings! Yipeeee!

Fashion cat, I'm delighted to find the party going on in a NEW conversation. Just to celebrate it, there'll be self-refillable champagne glasses at the table over THERE!
*poof! will be self-refillable for about 40 minutes more..smiley - smiley*

This is the PARTY thread...

Post 10

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Glad you could make it smiley - smiley
*grabs hold of Baldrick as he sways from side to side and hugs him too*
Thanks for the booze *g*
C'mon everyone- vodka jellies and refillable champagne smiley - smiley

This is the PARTY thread...

Post 11

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hi Tweetie!*hugs back right at you*
I'm so glad to see you around. What's a vodka jelly?smiley - smiley

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Post 12

Titania (gone for lunch)

..and thanks for the wings - wow! This is REALLY cool...
*hovering above the dance floor*

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Post 13


Vodka jelly = A concoction that looks like jelly but gets u PISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*chompy chomp*

FC-Please check your Message Centre!

This is the PARTY thread...

Post 14

Titania (gone for lunch)

Sorry, folks, the self-refillable champagne glasses will disappear in about 5 minutes (midnight CET)

G'night all!smiley - smiley

*drifting off, in her usual v.e.l.manner*

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Post 15


*endless bublly is shot out of the cannon*

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Post 16

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Nice. Although Titania's champagne glasses must have gone smiley - sadface
Hang on a tick *closes eyes and points a finger*
*There's a flash of light on the table, and glasses filled with Guiness appear*
There, refillable Guiness glasses. Have fun smiley - winkeye

This is the PARTY thread...

Post 17

Fashion Cat

no halo.... ah well, must mean I can turn on the devil within..... where are those male angels??????

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Post 18

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

I know, why is it that there's always a deficit of males when parties begin?
One of those weird rules of nature I guess...

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Post 19

Fashion Cat

so unfair, maybe we could transport them from the middle of one party to the start of another.....

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Post 20

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Greetings, Tweetie! I said I would be here, and please note that extreme drunkenness hasn't prevented me...

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