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Orange Dots for other pages of thread

Post 1


I use peer review a lot (http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F48874 -is the URL) in single page mode (alabaster). However, when I want to go to the other topics, I have to scroll to the top of the page to get to the orange dots to go to other subjects.

Is there any way these could appear at the bottom of the page as well?


Orange Dots for other pages of thread

Post 2


This was implemented at one point but various problems prevented the dots actually appearing at the bottom of the page in anything other than certain versions of Internet Explorer (this is if I recall correctly). Other browsers just made it look horribly messy... or maybe it was only Netscape 4 that it worked in. Can't remember to be perfectly honest, but it was tried and didn't work quite right.

I think the result was that it would be quite a bit of effort to do it properly, so it might appear in a later version of the site. Fingers crossed!

Orange Dots for other pages of thread

Post 3

Mark Moxon

I'm not sure that's true - wasn't it the two sets of dots on the list of Postings that caused Jim problems, but which he eventually fixed (look to your right!).

I don't think we ever tried to put dots at the bottom of the Conversation list, but it wouldn't be hard...

I've added it to the list of ideas, anyway, but don't hold your breath. Jim's kinda indisposed at the moment! smiley - smiley

Orange Dots for other pages of thread

Post 4



Orange Dots for other pages of thread

Post 5



I find the red dots much more appealing to the eye.

Orange Dots for other pages of thread

Post 6


If you don't want to scroll all the way back up to find the red or orange dots, then just click on the down arrow in the last post of the page to go to the next post.

Orange Dots for other pages of thread

Post 7


I'm _sure_ Jim tried it, Mark.

Orange Dots for other pages of thread

Post 8


It's not to do with the posts, it's to do with the page that lists the thread titles.

Orange Dots for other pages of thread

Post 9

Mark Moxon

Ah well, only Jim knows. It would be trivial to add the dots again to the bottom of the Conversation list, but we definitely had problems adding them to the bottom of the Posting list - that's certain.

Doesn't matter anyway - it's now on the to-do list. smiley - smiley

Orange Dots for other pages of thread

Post 10


Thanks smiley - smiley

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