A Conversation for GuideML Gadgets

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 61


smiley - tongueout

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 62

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Feeling smiley - ill now .......

Oh SHiiiiiiiii....t Here comes the floor again [WHUMP] - Boing boing bgoing....... Fank Gawd for Bungee Ropes....

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 63


we got some of those on the tree

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 64

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Tree? - I don't see no Tree?


Splat, .... Aaah zat treee.....

smiley - zzz

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 65

Shea the Sarcastic

Poor dear ... but at least he's sleeping comfortably in his nice, comfy comma:

smiley - zzz

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 66


true, maybe we shoul carry him to th tree (http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F57346?thread=92187&post=904070#p904070) while he is sleeping ?

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 67

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)


Warz evrybod?

smiley - yawn

::Gets up too quickly and falls into dead faint caused by dizzyness::

smiley - zzz

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 68

Shea the Sarcastic

*waves smelling salts under Argon0's nose*

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 69

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)


The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 70

Shea the Sarcastic

*hops out of the way quickly*

Oh dear ...

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 71

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Whoops sorry about that, I'll clean up later.....

smiley - erm.... Euw it smells a bit dun't it? ....

'scuse me feeling smiley - ill again......

::Runs at break neck speed for nearest Great White Telephone, and promptly slips on pools of own, smiley - erm,,, Shouted Soup, skids head first into Ceramic Bus - completely fails to take hold of the steering wheel and falls off the end of his own extended metaphor, slamming his head, once again, into a <.> and promptly relapses into his nice comfortable comma::

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 72

Shea the Sarcastic

It's all for the best, I suppose ... smiley - erm

smiley - zzz

So, what's this I hear about a BubbleFish™ Gadget?

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 73

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

::Briefly raises head::

Bubblefish gadget:

smiley - fish
.oO.. ..OOo..oO..Ooo..OOo..o..O.. ..oOO..oooo..oO..O.. ..O..oOo..oO..Oo..ooo..oOoo..oO..O..o..ooo.. ..Oooo..ooO..Oooo..Oooo..oOoo..o..ooOo..oo..ooo..oooo.. ..O..OOO.. ..oO..Oo..Ooo.. ..ooOo..oOo..OOO..OO.. ..o..Oo..OOo..oOoo..oo..ooo..oooo.. .(..OOO..oOo.. ..oO..Oo..OoOO.. ..OOO..O..oooo..o..oOo.. ..oOoo..oO..Oo..OOo..ooO..oO..OOo..o.. ..OoOo..OOO..OO..o.. ..O..OOO.. ..O..oooo..oo..Oo..OoO.).. ..O..OOO.. ..Oooo..o.. ..oo..Oo..OoOo..oOoo..ooO..Ooo..o..Ooo.. ..oo..Oo.. ..oooo..ooOOO..OOo..ooOOO.. ..oO..ooo.. ..oO.. ..OO..OOO..Oooo..oo..oOoo..o.. ..OoOo..OOO..Oo..O..oOo..OOO..oOoo.. .-.. .. ..oOO..oO..OOoo..oO..oO..oO..oO..oO..oO..oO..oO..oO..oO.:.:..Oo..OOO..O..oo..OoOo..o..ooo.. ..Oooo..OOO..O..O..oOoo..o.. ..OOO..ooOo.. ..Oooo..o..o..oOo.. ..OOO..Oo.. ..O..oooo..o.. ..oOO..oO..oOoo..oOoo.. ..oO..Oo..Ooo.. ..Ooo..oo..oooO..o..ooo.. ..ooOo..OOO..oOo.. ..oo..O.. ..OO..oo..ooo..ooo..o..ooo.. ..ooOo..oO..oOoo..oOoo..ooo.. ..OOO..ooOo.. ..OOO..O..oooo..o..oOo.. ..ooo..oo..Ooo..o.. ..OOO..ooOo.. ..oOO..oO..oOoo..oOoo.. ..ooo..OO..oO..ooo..oooo..o..ooo.. ..oooo..o..oO..Ooo.. ..OOO..Oo.. ..oOOo..oo..oOoo..o.. ..OOO..ooOo.. .(..O..oooo..oO..Oo..OoO..ooOo..ooO..oOoo..oOoo..OoOO.).. ..ooOo..ooO..oOoo..oOoo.. ..Oooo..OOO..O..O..oOoo..o..ooo.. .-.. ..OO..oo..oOo..oO..OoOo..ooO..oOoo..OOO..ooO..ooo..oOoo..OoOO.. ..OO..oO..oo..Oo..O..oO..oo..Oo..ooo.. ..oOoo..ooO..OoOo..oo..Ooo..oo..O..OoOO.. ..oOOo..oOo..OOO..OO..oOOo..O..oOoo..OoOO.. ..Ooo..oOo..oo..Oo..OoO..ooo.. ..ooo..o..oOoo..ooOo.. ..Oooo..oO..OoOo..OoO.. ..oo..Oo..O..OOO.. ..OoOo..OOO..OO..OO..oO.:.:.

virtually smiley - drunk

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 74


Did someone post in BubbleFish™ ?

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 75

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

::Vague sense of Lucidity returns, Temporarily::

Yup! I thought it were allowed, as the only alternative language!!!

Oh Well.......

::Slumps back into incoherence,, smiley - fishoooOOOooo, Floor looks nice and cumfy, oooH, Falls back into restful comma::

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 76

Shea the Sarcastic

Shame on you Argon0! It was real nasty, HD ... smiley - fish

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 77

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

smiley - erm It wasn't when it went into the bubbleFish converter Honest HD and SMoBoB! ::He says as he finally extricates self from a muddle of punctuation Marks,,, Stumbles over an & and falls straight into a : Eugh!::smiley - yikes

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 78


I think Abi is on holiday & she is the h2g2 BubbleFish 'offial'

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 79

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

::Relocates smiley - drunk and commatose self to the H2G2 Welcome Back Party - taking Several barrels of smiley - ale & smiley - stout with him::

'ere come back wiv that ......

Dat explains it den (or DEID)

Do we have to use TM after every time we say BubbleFish™?

The Campaign for a BubbleFish™ Gadget

Post 80

Hugo the Fish

(Posting in English ONLY because Abi is on vacation! smiley - winkeye)

No! Not after you say BubbleFish™, only after BubbleFish... smiley - tongueout

And it's about time that HappyDude realises that BubbleFish™ is the translator. The language is called Bubblish. Ooooo....

smiley - fishsmiley - smileysmiley - hsif

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