Play ball

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| Red tape
| Dodominoes
| Mikadodo
| Working Dodo
| Narrow escape
| Dodocaeder
| Play ball
| Cultural Dodo |

Mom dad and kid going to the beach to spend the afternoon.

--Let's play with a ball !

---But we do not have a ball ?

-What is that up there?

--That is a coconut, hanging on the tree!

-Ah, can you get it for me dad ?

Dad starts climbing up the tree, using his strong legs and feet to walk up the stam. Near the top it gets tough, the tree is very steep. He uses his hook to cut loose of the coconut.

--Coming !

The coconut falls a pit in the sand and bounces some times before it comes to a rest.

Dad turns his head down and jells

--Make way !

He runs down the tree jumping from the low end to make a nice curve to the ground. In a few steps he comes to a halt, directly running to ward the ball.

--Well come and get it !

-Watch out, I will take it over !

They are running with the ball, taking it over everytime they make a turn. Mom also comes in, they now run all three passing the ball to eachother. As could be expected suddenly the coconut ball rolls into the water. It starts to float away into the direction of the reef. Dady goes behind it to prevent it from getting too far.

--Come on, we can play in the water too!
He hooks the ball and tries to drag it to shallower water. He notices a big shadow underneat it.

----Can I play with you?

A big turtle submerges, pushing the ball to the shore.

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