Cave men and tools

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You are about to read the story of a can opener.

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As everybody knows cavemen lived in caves, they did this to avoid the open space outside. As there were no shops for the next few millions of years they had to do their own business. During the summer they would collect fruits and vegetables. Hunt for the last mammoth, cook them and store the food for the long winters. They canned the food and stored it in the back of their cave to hide it from the sabre tooth tigers.

One of the problems caveman came across was how they could open their cans. As they stored their food for the long winters in cans they also needed a tool to open them up again. This is where the magic Dodo appeared for the first time in prehistory. With their mighty long hooked beaks they where the number one can openers on the market. This amazingly precise instrument enabled them to open a can with one fierce slam. The cave men did not have to suffe from malnutrician and the human race was saved for a while.

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