A Conversation for Talking Point: Classic TV Revivals
The Adventure Game
AliBaba Started conversation Mar 30, 2005
Anyone remember 'The Adventure Game'? Surely that's due for a remake? With CGI, they could actually make the Vortex look scary...
(http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/classic/adventuregame/ for those who've forgotten it)
The Adventure Game
Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) Posted Mar 30, 2005
I liked the adventure game, it does sometimes get repeated on Challenge on cable
The Adventure Game
Jemstone Posted Mar 30, 2005
Ooh, yes I used to love the Adventure Game! The vortex scared the life out of me, I'd love to see what they could do with it using modern tech. I used to like the big plant - did they call it Grandfather or something like that? I third the cry to bring The Adventure Game back!
The Adventure Game
Langly Posted Mar 30, 2005
I think the big plant was actually Uncle *does really bad impression of Uncle's grumbling noises*
Yes! bring it back! the girl who used to present it was one of my first TV crushes
Gronda gronda!
The Adventure Game
Jemstone Posted Mar 31, 2005
Langly, you've just done a great impression of the plant; Gronda Gronda Gronda! Thanks for re-awakening my childhood memories! One of my other re-awakenings came when reading Hitchhikers Guide and being introduced (again)to Slartibarfast - my Mum used to say that word often when I was a kid (can't remember the context) but I never knew what it meant until then!
The Adventure Game
Alfster Posted Mar 31, 2005
A wonderful show which went through quite a few changes in its time. Surprised there is no entry on it.
That would be doogy rev!
It wasn't until a few years ago when i was reminiscing over it that I realised the names of all the main characters were anagrams of dragon which is what they actually were before changing their appearance into human form before the guests arrived via the time/space portal known as Pebble Mill.
The Adventure Game
Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break Posted Apr 1, 2005
I thought the adventure game was brilliant - I just felt really sorry for the poor souls who had to walk home - wouldn't they get very cold having to walk through space at night? (well, I was young when I watched it! Never mind "how did they walk in space without a spacesuit, or some sort of propulsion system", I just worried they might get cold!)
BTW, I seem to recall it was the characters who said Gronda, while Uncle simply shook his leaves and made wibbly growling noises...?
The Adventure Game
Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break Posted Apr 1, 2005
Re-reads previous entries, and realises nobody said that Uncle said Gronda. My mistake, sorry!
The Adventure Game
Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break Posted Apr 1, 2005
BTW - found these links:
And this excellent illustrated site:
The Adventure Game
Langly Posted Apr 1, 2005
Great site Moonhogg It's all coming back to me now.... (nurse! the screens!)
Uncle, the Aspidistra (and apparently a teapot later on in the series) was the Rangdo – the planet's ruler – which is why the contestants were made to bow to him and utter the immortal words "Gronda Gronda Rangdo!" Everytime I see an aspidistra, or any large indoor plant in a bowl I still can't resist going up to it and saying 'Hello Uncle" whilst shaking the leaves and making grumbling noises, this is usually followed by the people i'm with edging away and disowning me
http://tv.cream.org also has the theme tune to download, and some more pictures.
What about petitioning the beeb to bring it back? With Keith Chegwin! and Lesley Judd! Wonder if they'd still use a BBC Micro to do the CGI? Or they could get Ellie from Newsround to present
Nurse! The screens again!
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The Adventure Game
- 1: AliBaba (Mar 30, 2005)
- 2: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (Mar 30, 2005)
- 3: Jemstone (Mar 30, 2005)
- 4: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (Mar 30, 2005)
- 5: Langly (Mar 30, 2005)
- 6: Jemstone (Mar 31, 2005)
- 7: Alfster (Mar 31, 2005)
- 8: Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break (Apr 1, 2005)
- 9: Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break (Apr 1, 2005)
- 10: Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break (Apr 1, 2005)
- 11: Langly (Apr 1, 2005)
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