A Conversation for the h2g2 Space-Farer's Cantina

Rocket Testpit

Post 41

njan (afh)

ok. After some thought.. *hands Venom a terminal pill, capable of genomorphing and displacing into a neural network, a terminal pen, brooch, or insert to an existing object*

*hands Krans one, and keeps one for himself*

Now. There are four backpacks.. *points at the wall*.. there's about every equipment in each one I can imagine any specops unit needing. There's a whole rack of weapons there.. I recommend you take one of these in addition to whatever else you carry.. it's a little something Krans and I worked on some time ago. It's focused-energy based.. is about a foot long by an an inch wide by three tall. It expands (*pushes a button on the side and the entire thing opens up, the case splitting, one half folding into a stock, the other into a case, and the internal mechanism sliding neatly into place*) or you can use it as it was. It's quite neat, really, and very portable. It has a number of other features which come in handy.

The rest of your equipment, I'll let you choose. Uniform likewise, although it goes without saying that you should probably wear all black. I have a few gelsuits, which both offer protection which the shielding on a spacestation would be proud of, and also morph to provide excellent camoflage to the external environment. (It's been rumoured that the testing procedure involved these being dropped into a volcano with wearer inside). They're also only a millimetre thick, when worn, and about tennisball size when stowed.

That's a kind offer, Venom. I have no doubt we'll take you up.

So.. now.. positions, specialities, our name, and where we're going to be based.. thoughts?

Rocket Testpit

Post 42

Peter aka Krans

Hmmm... what about low-tech? Those focussed plasma blasters are very powerful... but they're electromagnetically very dirty - you can see them a mile off...

A projectile rifle would have its advantages, think you?

Rocket Testpit

Post 43

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

......how long do they take to charge up? I would hope that when these are not activated that they they don't have any residual signature....

my armor will be fine, thanks for the offer though

Rocket Testpit

Post 44

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*Venom grabs a backpack, a gun, and walks off. When he comes back he's wearing what seems to be a business suit, which then morphs into a t-shirt and shorts.* Just a little something I worked out a while back. Good camo because it not only lets me blend in at night but also in any crowd. *takes out his remote, which is larger than it should be, the size of a deck of cards* This remote, which is tractor-tethered to the garment, is also a subspace interference generator/sheild system, so I don't need much armor.

As for a base, I think maybe we should set up shop on an asteroid. Small, hard to find, and pretty under the radar. Besides, our cover could be, say, an Asteroid Mining Corp.

Rocket Testpit

Post 45

njan (afh)

It doesn't charge. It has a subspace inference coil which simply has energy projected into it by a transceiver. It can also, if you seet the sensitivity, simply charge on subspace energy. From the transceiver, it takes about 2ms to charge, from subspace proper about 6. On maximum power, it'll fire for about two months continuously on one charge.

Krans, I agree. A projectile rifle is a wonderful thing. I'm keeping a sig 226 (pistol) and a g36k with me.

An asteroid is a nice idea, esp. if we stick some powerful engines in it...

Rocket Testpit

Post 46

Peter aka Krans

Yeah. If in doubt, use it as a cruise missile. smiley - biggrin

Rocket Testpit

Post 47

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

ok, but that still poses a question, when switched off there is no electromagnetic signature right?

as for the side arm I've got it covered so don't worry about me...........but what is our first target? Shall we take over the waterworks?

Rocket Testpit

Post 48

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

or perhaps the terran embasy

Rocket Testpit

Post 49

Peter aka Krans

Nono. We're mercenaries, not terrorists.

We don't do anything 'til someone employs us. smiley - smiley

Rocket Testpit

Post 50

njan (afh)

Oh, no fear. We are, technologically, a little more advanced than that. We've been masking electromagnetic signatures for decades. smiley - biggrin... there are things that our engine cowlings mask that most people don't even know exist. (And even PC Tonks only thinks he knows exists). There are some that only Krans understand.

smiley - ok

I concur with Krans.

Although nothing's stopping us advertising. smiley - smiley

Rocket Testpit

Post 51

Peter aka Krans

*grins nastily*

Yes, I think we should start advertising right away...

*Advertises on his homepage*

Rocket Testpit

Post 52

njan (afh)


please use the existing forum. smiley - winkeye

(And suffice to say that it's secret)

La probleme, c'est que si d'autres personnes peut voir ce message ici, ils peuvent nous decouvrir. Et ca, c'est une grande probleme. Alors, si je parle un peut en francais, puis apres une heure, la message va etre moderaté. Et donc il y a une heure pour vous trois decouvre la message, et apres ca, je le faire encore des fois. En ce maniere, on peut donner l'information necessaire aux personnes necessaires, et pas aux autres.

Rocket Testpit

Post 53

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

......how are we going to effectivly advertise if we don't take over something high profile.....?

Rocket Testpit

Post 54

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

I think I understood most of that, but please understand that I don't speak French. Spanish, yes, but not French.

Rocket Testpit

Post 55

njan (afh)

Unfortunately, I think the moderator did speak french. Which rather defeats the object of my writing that there in French in the first place. But still. My intentions were in the right place. smiley - winkeye

And whilst I empathise, I think that taking over an unrelated building belonging to someone else is a /little/ unfair. We could take over something officially official (ie. towers endorsed) but to take over someone's private thingy would be nasty.

Rocket Testpit

Post 56

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

......well we can't take over the moderation space can we?

then what shall we attack then...........

Rocket Testpit

Post 57

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

the foxes are also neutral in this fight:


we already out number them so they aren't a threat yet. Also the dogs know about them wereas they don't know about us yet. The number of foxes: 2............

Rocket Testpit

Post 58

Peter aka Krans

*coughs and looks pointedly towards another forum...*

Rocket Testpit

Post 59

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*Venom finally finds the button and adds his terminal pill to his ubiquitous Palm* Why not something that's edited, but never really visited. We could, say, take the planet Neptune over and then someone would notice, or maybe the Space Center, or that old standby, the Waterworks.

Rocket Testpit

Post 60

Peter aka Krans

*Goes and recons the space centre*

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