A Conversation for h2g2's Funky (and rather seedy) Disco

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21381


Did someone mention smiley - choc?

smiley - drool

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21382


smiley - lurk

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21383


Just had my hair cut. It is soooooo short now.

Actually, it isn't, I just hate having my hair cut!

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21384


smiley - lurk

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21385


it feels nice and safe behind this sofa doesn't it?

I've got hairdo on Saturday - I usually hate it too Ellie but on this occasion my so called gamine urchin cut has turned into an untidy mop so I can't wait to get rid of it. And these bits are sun streaks - not grey OK?

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21386


I'm going to have to start pre-emptive dye-ing before much longer. Most of family are grey so it is only a matter of time for me too!
smiley - senior

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21387


I've forgotten what colour mine is!

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21388


My Mum was grey by 30, so I blame her for my increasing flecks of grey. smiley - cross If anyone says "distinguished" they're getting a slap!

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21389


Still tempted to say it!

It isn't fair but it is true. Men look OK with grey hair.

Silver fox, huh?

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21390


My friend's call me the White Feather, after Fabrizio Ravanelli!

Distinguished - maybe in my 30s or 40s, not now!

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21391

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

I don't have a single grey hair and I'm 33!!! One of the few joys of being a redhead!

My Granny had the same colour of hair as me, when she died at 78, the colour had gone to a faded brownish colour but she still didn't have any grey!!

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21392

Deep Doo Doo

I've got a little grey, but it's hardly noticeable!

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21393

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

*spits out her smiley - crisps at the screen*

Hardly noticeable????

*clamps mouth shut to avoid making coment that I may -or may not- regret*

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21394


smiley - rofl

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21395


I have lots of grey and don't care about it. At least I am not a gingua (stink of peee) like some around here! smiley - biggrinsmiley - roflsmiley - evilgrin

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21396

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

I'm more of a Strawberry blonde, meself!!!

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21397


I'm just going to go purple. Then stay that way till I die. That way nobody will ever know what colour my hair is!

smiley - diva

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21398


For "Strawberry Blonde" i read stinking ginger

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21399

Deep Doo Doo

You are a bit young for a blue-rinse ellie! smiley - biggrin

Tell me why, I don't like W*rkdays

Post 21400

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

*slaps Ermie upside the head......just cos I can*

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