The CAC Continuum
Created | Updated Feb 17, 2005
The Forms of Life and Death Issue
Fiction Weird Science First/Personals Kitchen SyncronicitiesSatire
Life and death
are central to any discussion on the nature of being and not being.
What do we really know life? Or Death? There's certainly a lot of paperwork involved.
This week we present reports from two researchers who have independently discovered that a lot of paperwork and filling out of forms is no way to guarantee life. In fact both raise doubts of whether life really exists at all or is just an illusion created by a paper moon hanging over a cardboard sea.
While this convenient philosophical pairing is sufficient to our literary purposes here, it is worth noting that both these researchers also have very searchable homepages and lots of other unrelated and unresolved issues you might want to investigate further.
A3487926 by U219136
A2262485 by U91587
This week's CAC Continuum was researched and assembled by ~jwf~
as part of the Committee for Alien Content's Continuing search for truth
in a world gone mad with reality television and televised reality.
The CAC Continuum Archive
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