How to Change Your Date of Birth...
Created | Updated Jan 13, 2005
I was looking around when I came across the 'Retrieve my details' link. I looked down the list noting all my personal details including username, password, and birthday. Right next to birthday, there was a hyperlink labeled 'How can I change this?'
I was stunned, has someone actually managed to develop the scientific means in order to go back in time and physically change your date of birth? Todays technology is an incredible thing!
By clicking on the link you are presented with the instruction on how to complete this amazing feat. Expecting a full page of scientific apparatus required for the job, and a long list of instructions on how to spend the rest of your life achieving the correct mix of chemicals, and constructing the appropriate equipment, I was very disappointed to find that they refused to hand over the information. Instead you are to email [email protected] with the subject line 'change my date of birth' and someone else will complete the operation on your behalf.
It would appear that there is some level of policing on this though, as you are also required to give them a reason for the change. A measure that I'm sure brings relief to a lot of parents out there.
Of course I don't blame them for keeping this procedure under wraps. After all, if I had the secret of how to do it I wouldn't tell anyone either. It could be very lucrative to have this kind of knowledge, and in the wrong hands, could be quite dangerous. Imagine if school children got hold of it, they could amend thier birthday to allow themsleves to legally purchase alchohol or cigarretes, even get themselves a driving license!
The thing I can't understand is that they don't appear to be making any charge for this service. Is the person who discovered this procedure really silly enough to miss a business oppurtunity this big? Or perhaps there are more factors here than a small un-educated mind such as my own can grasp. Maybe they see it as a service to mankind, and therefore unethical to make a charge.
I have decided to construct an email to the afore mentioned address to have my date of birth amended to 16th March 1979, as my car insurance is currently far too expensive.