A Conversation for The CAC Continuum
Pythia lives!!!
peacenik_vogon Started conversation Jan 23, 2005
YESSSSS!!! I have finally come to this wonderful issue of the Underguide to witness the official debut of my new series' first episode! I am sooo happy, and want to thank everybody who helped make this "walkin' on sunshine" moment possible, especially ~jwf~. Thank you for giving me a chance and taking a risk on fan fiction! It is edited now according to the suggestions of roving critics (thanks Mikey!), so give it a once-over and see if you think it is better. MWAH!!! Kisses to everyone! Pass the champagne (it's actually grape juice, but add a little fizzy water and who can tell?)! I AM PUBLISHED!!!
Luv, peacenik_vogon
Pythia lives!!!
peacenik_vogon Posted Jan 23, 2005
P.S.: I can't promise anything, but I will try to turn out Part Two by Valentine's Day. Likelihood is, it won't be done by then, but I'll never get anything accomplished unless I give myself a goal to work toward. Besides, I work better under pressure.
Pythia lives!!!
peacenik_vogon Posted Feb 15, 2005
I was right; Pythia's next chapter hasn't even begun yet. It's sad, because I think about it a lot, but I can't seem to move it past the first sentence. On top of that, I have tons of homework (daily), an involved writing project for an application to a creative writing camp (due this month), and another fan fiction (????) on my plate now. Going out of my mind with the pressure!!!!!!!! %^&
Pythia lives!!!
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Feb 15, 2005
One of the wonderful things about cyberspace is its refusal to be constrained by time in any linear way. The idea of 'now' is entirely subjective to each and every reader. And the notion of 'then' stretches off in every direction, into the known past and into the unknown future of real world time.
Asssuming that real world time does not somehow manage to interfere and the power supply to these computers remains stable, then we can safely expect that these pages, these notes, the CAC Continuum and your story will always be here. So when the real world time in your sector and perspective of the Cosmos allows you, please feel free to carry on here at your own pace.
We will be here and as happy to see you then just as we are now and as we were last time round.
Pythia lives!!!
peacenik_vogon Posted Mar 23, 2005
Spring break time, and you know what that means? Time to attack a THIRD chapter in Pythia's bodacious saga!
Some advice
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Mar 24, 2005
Try leaving a little more white space with double spaces between paragraphs and anything else you can do to make it a little more comfortable visually. You might consider learning GDML or asking someone who knows how to format entries to help you. People are lazy and in their comfort zone, if text is too dense they will just nod off. Less is often more.
I'd offer to help but Spring is in with a promise and I'm outa here as far as sitting at a computer all day is concerned so I just won't have the time. Life is short and summers in Nova Scotia are even shorter.
Some advice
peacenik_vogon Posted Mar 24, 2005
I'm learning GuideML but I want to remain consistent with my last two chapters, so Chapter Three will remain in ordinary text. Extra spacing is definitely called for, though. When I release all the chapters as a novel in Fiction Central (sometime shortly before the Last Trump), I will definitely add GML to it. Thanks for the $.02, jwf!
Signing off, Peacenik Vogon Pythia
P.S.: Chapter Three is all done! The moment we've all been waiting for has arrived: Arthur Appears In This Chapter!!!
Some advice
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Mar 25, 2005
Thanks, I found it at:
and made a note to check it out later.
It will appear either next week or the one after.
Have you had any responses to the first two?
Fear not, most people are lazier writers than they are readers. When they are in reading mode they just absorb and expect to be entertained. They read a bit here and a bit there and bit more over there.... Many hesitate to start a new conversation thread themselves, especially as a reply to a fiction entry, which they just take as entertainment.
And when they are in writing mode they only want to talk about themselves or whatever subjects they find on various conversation threads that are already going. They forget to say anything good or bad about the works of others.
Some advice
peacenik_vogon Posted Mar 26, 2005
I got plenty of replies for Chapter Ojne, but haven't gotten any yet for the other two chapters. From all the positive feedback I got out of the first, though, I am sure the series will be a success. I love imagining new plotlines in relation to the other books, and there are plenty of connections not yet revealed.
Sprink break is almost over, unofrtunately, so my active participation in the Guide is probably going to stall in response to the oncoming flood of homework. "I am what I am and I do what I can..."
Signing off, PVP
Some advice
peacenik_vogon Posted Apr 7, 2005
Came here to check back on my entry before I plunge into research on Mother Courage and Her Children. Mulling over Part Four but without many productive ideas (except one interesting plot point involving a penguin impersonation). Will it be posted in the Continuum soon? Don't be worried, I'm just curious. I have no problem waiting if you're busy...
My Mother Courage essay is due Friday, so I need to take off and get it done straight away. See you later!
Signing off, PVP
P.S.: If you've never read Mother Courage, you should. It's a great play!
Some advice
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Apr 9, 2005
Read her?
Heck, I slept with her.
Yep, about 35 years ago.
I was with a local theatre group doing skit comedies and satirical reviews when our artistic director turned all arty and serious.
He insisted we do more 'important' material.
So we did Mother, which was a huge success and Mother and I got very close. Then the group fell apart over doing Godot as our next production because there weren't enough female parts to keep the chicks hanging round the rehersal space. And what's theater without chicks hanging round? It's like a monastery is what. Not my scene.
Ah yes, I recember Mother well.
Some advice
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Apr 9, 2005
As for the next CAC...
I am currently having computer problems (it doesn't work) and now only have limited access thru a public library which doesn't really allow me enough time online to do much more than reply to a few emails and even fewer postings. It may be some time before I have the luxury of time to spend assembling CAC. I am also selling up and moving to a new house in the next few months so I probably won't get my computer fixed until I'm all moved in to the new place.
I'm hoping some of the Underguide folks will carry on producing CAC in the meantime, but with spring and summer approaching they may be too preoccupied. But fear not, if they don't pick up your series, I certainly will when I resume my duties in the Fall.
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Pythia lives!!!
- 1: peacenik_vogon (Jan 23, 2005)
- 2: peacenik_vogon (Jan 23, 2005)
- 3: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Jan 23, 2005)
- 4: peacenik_vogon (Feb 15, 2005)
- 5: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Feb 15, 2005)
- 6: peacenik_vogon (Mar 23, 2005)
- 7: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Mar 24, 2005)
- 8: peacenik_vogon (Mar 24, 2005)
- 9: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Mar 25, 2005)
- 10: peacenik_vogon (Mar 26, 2005)
- 11: peacenik_vogon (Apr 7, 2005)
- 12: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Apr 9, 2005)
- 13: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Apr 9, 2005)
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."