Running With Scissors

2 Conversations

Scissors Banner by Wotchit

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly

Inspired by The New Yorker magazine's annual 'Christmas Greetings' column, I present my holiday felicitations to some folks who deserve them and some others who need all the good wishes they can get.

smiley - santaTo letter carriers, package deliverers, and other bearers of glad tidings.

smiley - santaTo cookie bakers and fruitcake haters.

smiley - santaTo curmudgeons, misanthropes, and all would-be Scrooges and Grinches.

smiley - santaTo men who wander into the women's lingerie department without knowing their wives' sizes.

smiley - santaTo the Salvation Army and other ringers of bells.

smiley - santaTo angels who've just gotten their wings, and to other angels who can't quite get the hang of this wing business.

smiley - santaTo doctors and nurses and other angels of mercy who will work on Christmas Day.

smiley - santaTo department store Santas.

smiley - santaTo mothers of cranky, whining children.

smiley - santaTo directors of Christmas plays and pageants.

smiley - santaTo those who turn off their mobile phones when they are at concerts.

smiley - santaTo those who seek the meaning of Christmas beneath the flotsam and jetsam of our materialistic culture.

smiley - santaTo snow-plough drivers.

smiley - santaTo all who must travel.

smiley - santaTo the waltzing snowflakes whose feet are aching, and to the Sugar Plum Fairy who has a head cold.

smiley - santaTo storytellers and other makers of magic.

smiley - santaTo our companion animals, even though they try to eat the Christmas decorations.

smiley - santaTo keepers of cats who have yet to realise that the cats are keeping them.

smiley - santaTo alien races out among the stars (especially the Vogons who really need a shot of Christmas spirit).

Which reminds me...

smiley - santaTo the Italics who keep HooToo running and who are happily enjoying time away.

smiley - santaTo the Post staff and writers, the Aces, Gurus, Scouts, Sub-editors, Community Artists, UnderGuide volunteers and all those who contribute their time and talents to the site.

smiley - santaTo all the Researchers who read and write and share their thoughts.

smiley - santaTo all our visitors.

And to many other unsung heroes and to those who are striving for peace on Earth and understanding among all nations,

'Merry Christmas and God bless us, everyone!'

smiley - hollysmiley - hollysmiley - holly

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16.12.04 Front Page

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Christmas Lights original artwork by Blue Bird

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