A Conversation for Fantasy Krikkit 2008 - Final League Tables

FK: Mid-season Update

Post 1

Skankyrich [?]

First of all, a couple of mid-season bonuses. Ravi Bopara has gained a bonus of 100 points for his magnificent 201 not out off 138 in the FP Trophy, while Steve Harmison's recent hat-trick for Durham scored him a bonus hundred as well. In addition, as we're at the Twenty20 break now, the board has awarded bonus points to the top ten Most Valuable Players in both forms of the game. Each place in the top ten is worth 20 points, so the top player in each form has gained a whacking 200 point bonus. You can see the bonus points on the team page, or check out the full list of MVPs here:


All this has left the ProPhortyPhifty largely unchanged, with just a few switches mid-table and Magwitch and Alfredo swapping places at the bottom once more. In the Championship, however, the Over and Outs have leap-frogged Organcheese to take a clear lead, with the Green and Golds, Down and Unders and Alfredo's Assassins not too far behind. No change at the bottom.


The transfer window is now open, and you can make a few changes to your team. This is how it works:

First of all, pick up to five players who you would like to cash in. You may pick one from each discipline, and *either* one extra *or* you may choose to change your captain.

Email the board with the players you would like to trade in and the Board will send you its valuation. You are under no obligation to accept the Board's offer.

You may then use the extra funds to bid for players from the pool. Transfers will be dealt with on a first-come, first-served basis as and when I'm free, although if I do receive more than one bid for the same player I will take the highest bid.

None of the players you transfer will count towards your total of three for the season. Additionally, any players who are leaving your team for reasons beyond your control - Magoffin and Bond, who are leaving their Counties, spring to mind - are still considered free, and are not considered part of this transfer window.

FK: Mid-season Update

Post 2


smiley - headhurts The D&Us dropped three places smiley - cross

Stern team-talk and new motivational approaches needed ... smiley - run

FK: Mid-season Update

Post 3


Van Jaarsveld is top of one of those MVP thingies and Spouse says there haven't been any games apart from 2020 since the 10th so did my points get missed? smiley - erm

FK: Mid-season Update

Post 4

Skankyrich [?]

Yes, sorry!

FK: Mid-season Update

Post 5


Woohoo smiley - magic
Good old Pietersen smiley - biggrin

FK: Mid-season Update

Post 6


Ooh he's causing a right scandal!

Thanks for the points, Skanky smiley - ok

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