A Conversation for Fantasy Krikkit 2008 - Final League Tables

FK: Week One

Post 1

Skankyrich [?]

In a rain-affected week, a few shocks dominate the early tables.

First, kudos must surely go to Magwitch, whose side was put well in their place in the Championship but, astonishingly, were leading the ProPhortyPhifty until I had my afternoon nap at around 4.30. AndyG then took over, largely thanks to a big score from Ian Blackwell, and the Batty Boys also sneaked ahead - but the Sticky Wikkits have come a creditable third at the end of the first day. Congratulations, Mags, and I hope you take a screenshot of the moment when you didn't find yourself bottom of the tables...

AndyG, of course, leads, with bubba-fretts an already fairly distant second.

Meanwhile, Frenchbean's Down and Unders take a narrow lead from RSH in the Championship, buoyed by an effervescent performance from Ravi Bopara. Bopara was by far the highest FK first-day points scorer, and an overall low-scoring team performance from the Down and Unders was also boosted by the contributions of Butcher and Klusener.

You may notice that Mu Beta is propping up the table, by some distance. Now I'm not your moral guide, but clearly it's your decision whether you gloat or accept the fact that he will certainly improve. For a start, Yorkshire didn't play in the Championship, thus rendering 3/11 of B's team inoperative, and Chanderpaul hasn't arrived yet. Better times are surely ahead.

Finally, there is some chaos regarding availability of overseas players. Some players included in the original list are not arriving until later in the season, so please check your overseas players. If you have players who are not arriving for several weeks, you are permitted to cash them in without it counting as one of your three for the season. If you find one of your players isn't arriving until June, you'll probably get a full refund, but email me o check.

FK: Week One

Post 2


Good grief smiley - magic I think that's a first for the Down and Unders too smiley - wow

B - would you like an icecream? Dad used to give us icecream when we were down on our luck smiley - smiley

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