A Conversation for Talking Point: Bottled Water
NPY Started conversation Feb 24, 2008
Does botteled taste better? I've found that it doesn't matter whether it's bottled or tap - it tastes better chilled. I always keep a jug of tap water in the fridge.
Though I've also noticed that tap water can taste slightly different in different areas. Probably to do with temperatrure, treatment, and the type of pipes it's passing through.
cathos Posted Feb 25, 2008
I really dislike the taste of most bottled waters for some reason. Some of the pure spring water unfiltered ones are alright, but most of the purified ones or the ones with vitamin additives usually taste dry or just weird. But then again, the tap water that I'm used to is really sweet-tasting.
NPY Posted Feb 25, 2008
Yeah, think you're right that some of the bottled stuff has a funny taste too. Though the fizzy stuff always tastes .
alysdragon Posted Feb 26, 2008
It depends on the source of the water - if it filters through chalk you get hard water, which I like the taste of - other rocks give it other tastes - they treat it the same in most bits of the country, and pipes shouldn't be corroding THAT much. There's a bit of the marches where the water tastes of sulpher. While I was hiking there, I didn't drink water for two days.
alysdragon Posted Mar 3, 2008
Saviour of the working classes ! It has vitimins and all good things, plus a fairly high water - low alcohol content (compared to cider or wine...) I didn't used to like it, either, but it tastes better than sulpher water...
NPY Posted Mar 5, 2008
Well most things would taste better than sulpher. Though I'm not sure how much better beer would be. Can't get past the smell. Prefer Coke.
alysdragon Posted Mar 6, 2008
Are you a thirteen sugars a glass coke person or an aspartane addict? (I probably spelt that wrong...) I'd side with beer, the hop smell is rank, but you do get used to it.
NPY Posted Mar 8, 2008
Can't stand the dieyt stuff. Doesn't taste right and it's carcenogenic. I'd rather be a bit overweight than have cancer.
cathos Posted Apr 21, 2008
I am actually somewhat allergic to both aspartame and splenda. They act as a light poison in my blood and cause rather massive migraine-like headaches.
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: NPY (Feb 24, 2008)
- 2: cathos (Feb 25, 2008)
- 3: NPY (Feb 25, 2008)
- 4: alysdragon (Feb 26, 2008)
- 5: NPY (Feb 27, 2008)
- 6: alysdragon (Feb 27, 2008)
- 7: NPY (Mar 2, 2008)
- 8: alysdragon (Mar 3, 2008)
- 9: NPY (Mar 5, 2008)
- 10: alysdragon (Mar 6, 2008)
- 11: NPY (Mar 8, 2008)
- 12: cathos (Apr 21, 2008)
- 13: NPY (Apr 23, 2008)
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