A Conversation for Talking Point: Bottled Water
Doctor's Orders
Vestboy Started conversation Feb 20, 2008
Some years ago my wife developed breast cancer. When she was undergoing chemotherapy her GP gave her some advice. "Don't drink bottled water. It does not have the germs removed as does tap water. If your immune system is fighting fit it doesn't make much difference but it your immune system is suppressed (as with chemotherapy) you are at a higher risk of infection and should take all precautions to avoid possible sources bacterial contamination.
She's fine now by the way.
Doctor's Orders
NPY Posted Feb 24, 2008
I'd no idea there was a difference in bacteria levels. Would've thought possibly bottled would've been cleaner, though I know they do lots of treatments on tap water to make it safe.
Glad your wife's well.
Doctor's Orders
Vestboy Posted Feb 24, 2008
Bottled water may be pure but without being chlorinated bacteria can breed in it. So unless you were to open the bottle and drink the lot you would be putting the lid on top of a drink that now had some bacteria in it. Tap water chlorine would, I think, keep the germs down.
Doctor's Orders
NPY Posted Feb 24, 2008
Yeah good point. I suppose they do have the warnings about keeping refrigerated and using within 3 sdays or whatever, but I always thought "what harm can water do?" Seemed a bit strange as it's not milk or something that'll go off.
Doctor's Orders
cathos Posted Feb 25, 2008
interesting concept...i always wondered why my bottled water that i left out would begin to taste "stale" after only a day or so if it was warm. I guess that answers my question.
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Doctor's Orders
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