A Conversation for Talking Point: Bottled Water
bottled water
alysdragon Started conversation Feb 20, 2008
Bottled water has it's advantages, but normally only if you're caught in town with out a receptical and come over all faint. I'm okay to drink spring water in certain areas, but I attempt to avoid pre-bottled spring water - get it from the spring itself if you can. Chlorinated water tastes vile, and I'd rather they didn't start putting floride in it, but after a few days you hardly notice. My major concern is that bottled 'spring waters' are seriously draining the water table... Maybe I'm over reacting, but, before a bottling plant was set up, that water was public property (oh, and before the water board was privitised...)
bottled water
McKay The Disorganised Posted Feb 21, 2008
After a few days you hardly notice - but what is the long term affect on the body ?
What are Altzheimers rates in flouridated areas compared with non-treated areas ?
What about heart disease ?
What about other degnerative nerve conditions ?
What about birth defects ?
Is anyone looking ?
Oh and what about tooth decay - they have looked at that. no measurable difference.
bottled water
alysdragon Posted Feb 24, 2008
Well, personally, I try not to drink water too often.... I prefer alcohol, so metastisis of the liver will get me instead. Still, I'd rather chlorinated water and potential alzheimers than tape worm, water bourne parasites and typhoid... Water treatment is a touch nessecery, there probably aren't enough uncontaminated sources for everyone.
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bottled water
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