A Conversation for Heavy Metal

Don't forget the Mosh Pit

Post 1

Mr Mullet

I hope you haven't neglected the Mosh Pit on purpose. This is the next stage from the headbang mentioned in your article.

What you need for a good mosh pit:

Several people (the more the better), in various states of intoxication, all of whom are head banging - or in some cases pogo-ing (jumping up and down like a pogo stick - hence the name), roughly in time with each other or the music, whilst sweating freely. Extra ingredients can be stage divers, members of the band or security personnel who have entered 'the pit' on the pretense of helping the poor unfortunate ones who have fallen (however we all know that it is really an excuse to join in the metal fuelled mayhem - or for a fight, depending on which gig you might be at).

Simplified method for creating a mosh pit:

Take as many people as you are able to fit in a confined area, add a large portion of ridiculously loud heavy metal music. Add copious qunatities of cider/strong lager,sweat and hair. Shake until required movement is achieved.

Don't forget the Mosh Pit

Post 2


strange you should mention cider/strong lager, when no one i know who is into heavy metal actually enjoys the taste of those fowl drinks, its usually a fine cask ale, or a single malt whiskey! smiley - biggrinsmiley - alesmiley - cheers

Don't forget the Mosh Pit

Post 3

The Iron Maiden

I guess it's a lifestyle thing...though maybe that's too grand a word. For the most part I guess moshers are younger (more energy to kill!) so they can only afford cheap cider and/or don't know the finer points of drinking. Guess it depends on the environment you're in though...

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