Talking Point: Has Reality TV Gone Too Far?

18 Conversations

A goldfish.

Have reality television programmes gone too far?

Reality television seems to have fulfilled the Warholian promise of a future where everyone was famous for fifteen minutes. This genre of television programming, which follows the fortunes of 'real life' people, often second-by-second (see Big Brother) started off in the world of the docusoap, with BBC's The Family in 1974 and the equally memorable Sylvania Waters in 1992 (who could forget Noelene?).

Then along came a Dutch television format and Big Brother was born. Since then, we've had an endless array of 'too-close-for-comfort' shows - celebrities on The Farm, celebrities in the jungle, young and old trying to become Popstars or convince us that they've got the X-Factor, and ordinary members of the (American) public get their faces and bodies rearranged for an Extreme Makeover. Where will it all end?

We want you to tell us what you think of reality TV.

  • Has it gone too far? What will reality television be like in the future?

  • Who have you least liked? Who have you loved?

  • From Barker to Blackburn: Does the genre revive or kill careers?

  • Would you ever consider appearing in any reality TV shows? If so, which ones?

  • What were the best and worst reality TV moments? Did you jump for joy when John Lydon departed from the jungle?

Tips for Contributing

  • Your contributions may be used for a future edited entry, so the more you can give us, the better.

  • Try to give us as much as you can on one topic at a time, rather than cramming in loads of information on random topics.

  • Feel free to start your own Conversation or join in on someone else's - you might even find you'll be able to help another researcher fill in the gaps!

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