A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 241

Witty Moniker

Yup, that was my first thought, too. smiley - winkeye

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 242


Great minds think alike!

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 243

Witty Moniker

Breaking news from Associated Press just pushed to my iPhone:

South Carolina Governor Sanford unfaithful to his wife in Argentia! smiley - snork

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 244

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

You can't make this stuff up. Was it Naked Fly to Argentina Day?

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 245

Witty Moniker

And I feel the need to point out that this father of four children missed Fathers' Day whilst on this little trip.

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 246


This anti-gay marriage, anti-Obama, right-wing family values Christian conservative spent time with his squeeze in Argentina rather than his children on Father's Day?

Well, color me surprised.

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 247


Some of the snarkier political blogs are already calling her his "Eva Peron" and "Paramour of the Pampas". smiley - tongueout

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 248

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Y'know, as many conservatives as get caught with their trousers down, I wonder anyone noticed Clintons's hijinks.

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 249

Santragenius V

Makes sense - they certainly make sure they know what to look for smiley - tongueout

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 250


At the risk of incurring everyone's wrath...


Yep, I got this from Syn. He feels obligated to send me every Obama-bashing cartoon/clip/etc. he can find. Just to push my buttons. In all fairness, he sends me lots of Republican bashing stuff, too. He is a dyed in the wool Libertarian and can't stand either major party. The difference with this one is that it hit a cord with me somewhat. If the figures aren't totally skewered, we have a problem.

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 251

Titania (gone for lunch)

I'll reply by quoting the latest comment (at this moment) to that video:

'There is no comparison between the starting points of W and O. One inherited a shrinking debt and a growing economy while the other inherited a rising debt and a worldwide depression.'

Dubya created a mess. Obama won't be able to untangle that mess for free. It will cost.

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 252


Thinking that Obama should slow down a bit doesn't excuse Bush. Bush mismanaged a lot of things. I happen to like Obama very much. But I don't think he walks on water the way so many people do. And I've never thought that the way to solve every problem is to throw money at it.

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 253

Titania (gone for lunch)

Well, the opposite of 'throwing money at it' is cutting down on expenses, right? That would bring things to a stand-still I think, leading nowhere.

You cut down in some areas and invest in others - and I do hope Obama has advisers that know the difference...

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 254

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I agree with Hyp that Obama doesn't walk on water, but I do think he has demonstrated an extremely rare quality, to date -- the ability to make and follow long-term strategies.

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 255

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

The problem with making and following long term strategies is that most of the American people want it fixed yesterday, if not last year, they don't have the ability to realize that it won't be. It's a pretty sad state of affairs.

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 256


>>>>most of the American people want it fixed yesterday, if not last year, they don't have the ability to realize that it won't be.

I can't believe I'm all that special among my fellow Americans. This mess took years and years to create, and won't be fixed in a minute.

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 257

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Has the most bizarre news of the weekend already happened? Sarah Palin just announced her resignation from the governorship of Alaska to 5 or 6 people and a flock of geese in her front yard.

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 258

Titania (gone for lunch)

And a turkey being beheaded in the background, or maybe I'm just disillusioned by all the youtube videos commemorating this moment.

Any which way, it was a bit unexpected, wasn't it?

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 259

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Please Bob that it not be to run for the next 3 years for Prez?!

I also wish folks wouldn't give her so many excuses to expound on her vast store of outrage (no more Bristol jokes, and baby pictures doctored, thank you very much -- I would like her not to have any reason to attract cameras!)

The Backroom Chat About American Politics (4) - Economic Hard Times Edition

Post 260


Unfortunately being photogenic is her only talent ....or is that fortunately being photogenic is her only talent im' not sure . Either way she is gone for now .

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