A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER
95Xth Conversation at Lil's
FG Posted Dec 16, 2008
This is the mac & cheese recipe I've been using for several years now, Lentilla:
Yes, it's courtesy of domestic goddess Martha Stewart. I make a few changes: I add diced onion and minced garlic to the white sauce, and instead of nutmeg, I add a few (okay, several) dashes of green Tabasco. Otherwise, it's a pretty foolproof recipe. Oh, and did I mention it's perfectly delicious?
95Xth Conversation at Lil's
Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky. Posted Dec 16, 2008
*makes mental note*
*adds it here* 2099
I promise I will read the backlog I just needed to rant like a ranty thing that rants.
The daft bint that is the local nurse has left her handbrake off again Last time (about 18 months ago) her car rolled down the hill I live on and wrecked my front wall. This time it hit the passenger door of a 6 month old car
She claimed that her handbrake may not be working properly. I've seen this silly old woman (well, she's older than me
) getting out of her car - she doesn't even leave the buggar in gear! Oh feck!
When does this year end again?
95Xth Conversation at Lil's
Bagpuss Posted Dec 16, 2008
It's almost Christmas. Who wants a nativity scene in their bathtub? http://shipoffools.com/kitschmas/2008/12.html
95Xth Conversation at Lil's
Mrs Zen Posted Dec 16, 2008
What kind of fool leaves their car out of gear on a slope. I'm pretty sure I leave it in gear on the flat too.
Poor Magwitch.
95Xth Conversation at Lil's
Mrs Zen Posted Dec 16, 2008
Those ducks have cheered me up immensely.
Right. Bed. Now.
Night all.
95Xth Conversation at Lil's
Mrs Zen Posted Dec 16, 2008
95Xth Conversation at Lil's
FG Posted Dec 16, 2008
I don't even know what to say about those purses.
95Xth Conversation at Lil's
Witty Moniker Posted Dec 16, 2008
I wonder if anyone would really notice what those purses are depicting if someone just had one hanging from her wrist at cocktail party. Well, maybe Pink Floyd fans would get it right away.
I also wonder how Ben happened upon that website.
I also wonder how many of those purses the artist sells in... let's say a year. I'll bet dollars to donuts Lentilla sells more masks.
95Xth Conversation at Lil's
Witty Moniker Posted Dec 16, 2008
I just scrolled down to the wedding collection. Like I would really like an 8 year old ring bearer fumbling around in that pocket when the minister says, "May I have the rings?"
95Xth Conversation at Lil's
Z Posted Dec 16, 2008
They look nice - until you think of what they are. Though it astonds me how many women think that they look ugly.
I was discussing with a urologist why neither of us wanted to be gynaecologists. We both had enjoyed the operating, but rather disliked other aspects.
He told me about a talk he went to on
..wait for it..
'Cosmetic vulval surgery'
And in the middle of a session where one of them was showing the group a selection of pictures of vulvas demonstrating the visual appearance that women asked for. Then the tea lady came in and found a group of s in a darked room looking at a powerpoint of porn.
I mean surely once any partner has got to a stage where he sees your vulva he's not going to turn around and say no is he?
I certainly wouldn't...
95Xth Conversation at Lil's
Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.") Posted Dec 17, 2008
95Xth Conversation at Lil's
Z Posted Dec 17, 2008
I think that was what a recent TV documentary on the subject produced.
My colleague felt that the patients/clients/customers were often the sort of person who had a lot of cosmetic surgery and as soon as one thing was corrected they would find something else slightly wrong. He thought he could never do this sort of surgery and still retain his will to live.
95Xth Conversation at Lil's
Todaymueller Posted Dec 17, 2008
Quite right Z , people like that really need psychologists not surgeons . IMO .
95Xth Conversation at Lil's
Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs) Posted Dec 17, 2008
Of course, they're nicely made, attractive... vulvas. I was highly amused by the large-capacity bags, and then I saw the nuptial bags, and the 'pocket variety'... and the hat!
I have to admit, it's an untapped market! Nobody else makes anything that remotely resembles this particular product.
95Xth Conversation at Lil's
Z Posted Dec 17, 2008
I agree about the psychologists:
But if someone comes to your office and wants to spend large amounts of money on cosmetic surgery to alter their vagina, how on earth do you tell them that you think they are mad and should go to a psych?
They aren't in a place to be told that they are mad, and if you do try and tell them then you are an unfeeling doctor - and they will just take their money somewhere else.
Most plastic surgeons will try and avoid doing surgery on patients who never seem to be satisfied. Even if the results are the best that could be expected they are quite often still not satisfied with the surgery results.
95Xth Conversation at Lil's
STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring ) Posted Dec 17, 2008
This really isn't what I call fun.
I am stopping Sertraline anti-depressant as my Phychiatrist thinks it might be causing head "Tics" and bad shaking. I am starting Propranolol to stop shakes. I was told I might get an increase in shakes, etc due to withdrawl of drug slowly but I didn't expect my head to be thrown to one side repeatedly REALLY hard so my stomach and neck muscles hurt and to shake so much I am exausted, not to mention the mania and minor hallucinations. As is typical it has now stopped abruptly to start again in a while in a differant form hey ho, roll on Christmas....
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95Xth Conversation at Lil's
- 2161: FG (Dec 16, 2008)
- 2162: Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky. (Dec 16, 2008)
- 2163: Bagpuss (Dec 16, 2008)
- 2164: Mrs Zen (Dec 16, 2008)
- 2165: egon (Dec 16, 2008)
- 2166: Mrs Zen (Dec 16, 2008)
- 2167: Mrs Zen (Dec 16, 2008)
- 2168: Gw7en (V 2.0) (Dec 16, 2008)
- 2169: FG (Dec 16, 2008)
- 2170: Witty Moniker (Dec 16, 2008)
- 2171: Witty Moniker (Dec 16, 2008)
- 2172: Z (Dec 16, 2008)
- 2173: Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.") (Dec 17, 2008)
- 2174: Todaymueller (Dec 17, 2008)
- 2175: Z (Dec 17, 2008)
- 2176: Todaymueller (Dec 17, 2008)
- 2177: Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs) (Dec 17, 2008)
- 2178: lostmonalisa (Dec 17, 2008)
- 2179: Z (Dec 17, 2008)
- 2180: STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring ) (Dec 17, 2008)
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