A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Welcome. Mind the sloth. You can leave your calling card at the door, or be welcome in for conversation of a substantive sort.

*stands back to admire new sign*
Oh ah, very toney, that is.

Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 2

Researcher 99947

a new sign? i must go check it out then .

Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 3

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

I've got nothing to say at the moment, so I'll just leave my card... I'm assuming your receptical for these things is that thing in the corner by the door that looks startlingly like a wastebasket... smiley - winkeye

Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 4

Mike A (snowblind)

Bloody hell, that moved quick...

Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 5


Hello again all. I'm feeling slightly hapier with my browser now (I'm at work smiley - smiley).
What I was going to put last night was something to do with the times that music or whatever just does (desperatly trying to think of the word) it to you. When all of a sudden it becomes clear and you realise this is part of you, not something handed down from parents or siblings. I'll let you know what I decided were my moments, hearing the tunes Little Fluffy Clouds (The Orb) and Info Freako (Jesus Jones) in 1989. These are about as opposite as you can get, The Orb tune being regarded as one of the defining moments of ambient house/trance and the Jesus Jones tune is screetching guitars, overdriven vocals and dance type drum loops. The other I think is when I saw James headline the Fleadh in 1998 and when they played Sound as the encore tune, WOW, indescribable.

So you may be wondering why I'm talking about this, it's just that the first of the bands I saw last night had two string players (violin and cello) and I was just wondering how/why those two decided that playing a smoky club in Camden was what they wanted to do.

Oh well sorry for rambling, but I felt I needed to get this out smiley - smiley

Lil, I like the new sign. Is the background the websafe blue - sliightly different to the blue used on H2G2? And how's the a/c now it's had a thoughrough cleaning.

Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 6


{@} for now. Indeed, how is the A/C? How much gunk did they find?

Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 7


Well here we are at 2.30pm BST on the 'new and improved' h2g2.
I am not a happy chappie. This is bad!
CC is still in effect for the mo. Just wanted to drop in and say:

Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 8



Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 9

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

The first thing I asked for when I test-drove ripley -- and I got down on my knees and said please 4 or 5 times -- was a button for newest or latest posts. I've already screwed up at the cafe, I think, by not going to the bottom of the list ... but I didn't know I wasn't at the bottom of the list.

We're going to have to be very careful for a while, especially when we're moderating, like me, here.

I will tell you all about my A/C later; right now I need to reconnoiter, see whether MY stuff is ok. BluesSlider just said there was no text on his home page.

Oh, websafe colors -- Bruce told me the bg colour is #000066, but evidently it is not. Look closely at the edges of the goo, if you are indeed looking at a page with Classic skin. You'll see that the table elements were designed to anti-alias into #0000CC, but then there is a discernible drop in saturation where the bg colour takes over. I've wrestled with it with some graphics, but now I reckon that if the Goo can live with it, so can I. I'm not 100% sure, but I think the bg colour is actually #000062.

Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 10


Seems like my page survived the transition. There's going to be a lot of broken links that need fixing though. You can force the server to give you more posts than the predefined 20 it seems. You can add &show=# to show # posts. I've not yet worked out if you can get it to do all (&show=all doesn't work smiley - sadface) if you use a very big number it gets all posts though. I'm sure that the PTB don't want this to be used though smiley - winkeye

I've just done a check on the background of the goo and it is #000066 acording to my progs (screenshot of the window and color picker for the background came out like that). I was wondering as there is a slight but discernable difference in the colour of the background and the back of your sign. Perhaps it's time for a transparent background on the sign, shame most browsers only support gif transparency though and not png transparency - lets not get started on the don't use gif format images smiley - winkeye

Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 11

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I might have a problem with Painter, actually. Some of the fancier techniques apply depth layers which change the colours a few points. I need to think about it. As far as existing art is concerned, I will recommend to the displayer that they either use the frame switch in the GML statement or start the page by saying that its viewing was designed for the Classic Skin.

I noticed just now that the time problem is fixed.

And here's a quote from Jim Lynn, responding to something I posted a couple of hours ago:

We do intend to have a 'show newest' button. We just didn't have the time to implement and test the changes necessary when it became obvious from testing how important it was. But rest assured, it will be there soon.

I think we need a smiley for dumb astonishment.

Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 12


I don't know about Painter as I've never used it, I just thought i'll have a quick go with the tools at hand.

It seems to have been one of the first things people brought up in the feedback fora the show newest button thing. I'm sure I'll learn to live with the preview/post buttons being moved round.

The only other niggle with the classic goo (not tried on alabaster yet) is that there is no space at the bottom of the page anymore. The last line of text is right above the bottom status bar of the browser smiley - sadface I keep trying to go down below this and there ain't nowhere to go.

Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 13

Researcher 99947

this is the first conversation I've successfully replied to. Damn the electric fence, damn the electric fence smiley - tongueout

Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 14


I was going on the bgcolor="#000066" in the HTML that the site sends out - but it is a bugger to colour match in Photoshop etcsmiley - smiley


Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 15

Researcher 99947

this is the first conversation I've successfully replied to. Damn the electric fence, damn the electric fence smiley - tongueout

Sorry if this is a duel-post for me, but it appears this one didn't go through. And while we're at it, damn the preview message.

Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 16

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

How does Bruce know when we're talking about him?
We need a smiley for utterly mystified.
What are the characters to make the new smiley?

I'm beginning to relax, I think. But if I suddenly go off-line, it's because there is thunder outside.

Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 17


I just clicked on the busiest forums on the front page - I figured that would be where the action is smiley - winkeye

bedtime for Bruces

Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 18


Hi Bruce, welcome. Normally there's a pot of tea or coffee on the go, but I think everybody's just getting used to the new H2G2. I checked for the colour as well, but thought I'd better check what my system makes of it as well smiley - smiley

the new smiley smiley - tongueout is : - P

Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 19

Mike A (snowblind)

Aggh! My lyrics are no longer in the middle of my homepage!

Test new smilie: smiley - tongueout

*grr - keep on hitting 'preview message'!*
*done it again!*

Fth Conversation at Lil's

Post 20


*relaxing, and wondering about some of the thought that went into the upgrade*


Stupid Preview button smiley - tongueout


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