A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

9th Conversation at Lil's

Post 1

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*moves tall chest on top of trapdoor, muttering obscure Balkan obscenities to herself*
*settles down with a cup of tea and Springie in her lap, to listen to Ravel piano music*

Ok Thursday, do your worst. We do not have the hang of you, but it's nothing personal.

9th Conversation at Lil's

Post 2

Researcher 99947

It had to be a Thursday. I never did get the hang of Thursdays

9th Conversation at Lil's

Post 3

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I dated a Venezuelan guy for a while ... and sort of know what you said -- but not a syllable of the Hebrew uttered by Ioreth the Overheated. So where's the ice cream place you promised us, Io?

9th Conversation at Lil's

Post 4

Mike A (snowblind)

Yay! I've turned up on time smiley - smiley

I've got Electronix today smiley - sadface. I think I need to buy a new circuit board (40p), and then have the teacher make cheap jokes about me. Last week he cracked gems such as:
"You have to watch out for this light as it's a bit dim, just like you lot".

Now, Swedish pits. I'll tell you all about them smiley - smiley

9th Conversation at Lil's

Post 5


So Mike (Reny Barron Munchausen, Rent Barron Munchausen) A, what do you get up to in electronics? I ask because that was my specialist subject, before I moved into the wonderful world of computers smiley - smiley

9th Conversation at Lil's

Post 6


*Gratuitous Bookmark*
Sorry guys, things are a bit heavy with me at the moment.
This is about as close as I can get to h2g2 just now.
Will be in touchsmiley - sadface

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 7

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Poor Babel! *entering with Moebius doughnuts*

Hello Springie, I have never thought to offer you a doughnut. Here.
*moving with unexpected speed, Mindspring snatches the doughnut and runs back to her cage*

I dreamed about a reservation for baby chimps last night. Do you think it might have anything to do with h2g2? They were SO cute.

MikeA I'm glad you're back on board. You do electronics? Is that the modern equivalent of shop?

*makes tea* Has anyone seen today's cartoon yet?

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 8


Unfortunately, I keep loosing the URL.

*Takes a donut and some punch. Sits back in chair, reminiscing*

I remember when this place was just a big crater with a totalled UFO, and a bunch of picnic tables. Ah, for the days when this place was still an area to celebrate normalcy. I think we've pretty much abandoned that idea by now.

Anyway, the dream might have something to do with h2g2, I just have no idea what. Maybe you're ment to create an animal reservation? Now, where to put it, though. That's the problem. I suppose we could extend the borders of h2g2 again, but that's not as fun as trying to make it fit elsewhere. In fact . . .

*Suddenly gets that evil glint in his eye*

Maybe a shrink ray . . .

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 9


Just seen the new picture. Very good. Lil as you're a subbie you get all the things you've subbed in your lists of articles. Makes it harder to find, but I have bookmarked the conversation.

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 10

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Affi, I have just emailed you a spot graphic. As for animal reservation, I shall be opening a riding and livery stable at the far end of the Magic Forest, probably at the end of the summer -- it will take that long, I think, to get all the horses and ponies and other sundry beasts rendered and ready to rent.

The cartoon is at http://www.h2g2.com/A336007 and we're going for profound rather than scatological today.

*rhythmic tapping sound from gallery corridor* You know, I thing Mindspring is tap-dancing. I never for the life of me ever thought to give her a doughnut before!

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 11

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I have a question about HTML; it's something which my book has not explained. Everytime the author sets out an HTML document, the first line is as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTNL 1.0 Transitional//EN"
[Broken link removed by Moderator]
What is it? Is it absolutely necessary to a document? I hate when authors do that, lob a chunk of code in without saying what it's for. If I don't understand everything, I don't understand anything -- hallmark of the true slow learner.

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 12


What all that gubbins is is a statement for the browser/server to know what it's dealing with. DTD stands for Document Type Definition and there are a bunch of standard ones agreed by the www consortiun ( http:/www.w3.org/ )
The particular one you're asking about says that the document (the html file) is of type public html, using the XHTML 1.0 transitional deffinition. I'm guessing the EN means that it's english. I'm sure that if you go to the w3c site then you'll get a lot more info on the different doctypes.
Other ones will be like <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> for a HTML 3.2 (final spec) page or similar.

Does that help?

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 13

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

That tells me everything I need to know. I can put this at the top of a document called progskel.htm and use it hereafter as the template for my documents, along with the other main bracket statements.

I just need to know what it is, and then I'm fine. Does that make sense?

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 14


Makes total sense Lil.
I'm currently wading through a load of HTML to try and set up this service for a new customer. Not fun, even though I've done a similar thing for someone else. Still I can sit here and ignore most of what is going on and listen to my MP3s smiley - smiley

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 15

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Things are getting weird already ... I had to persist through a lot of busy signals to get online, got disconnected almost immediately, and have already had a DNS response when trying to post to the cafe, which I am supposed to be caretaking along with Babel, and HE's bogged down with w***. So if I disappear, keep talking to me anyway smiley - bigeyes cos I'll catch up eventually.

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 16


Hmmm busy signals, not good smiley - sadface We've had about 50 or 60 new circuits put in (E1 cos it's the european standard) each can cary 30 calls. Now just to get some modems to put on them and decide which numbers they'll point to and we're away...but given some of the telco problems we've had I don't know.

I'll be off on about 1 1/2 hours to go to the training session at the canoe club. Week 2 for me, hopefully the rain will stay off and I'll feel better than last week.

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 17

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I keep blaming the daytraders. Maybe I'm wrong. I expect it to lighten up on the weekend, especially round here. Are you doing anything special over the weekend?

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 18

Researcher 99947

I feel so.... used!

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 19


Not doing much so far. It's a bank holiday weekend over here. The spring bank holiday at the end of may. I could do with a weekend in doing the chores.

I expect It'll be the usual down the pub on friday (well I know that'll happen as some friends are going to be down smiley - smiley) then cd shopping/computer fair on saturday and get bored for the rest of the weekend. I should have time to do some work to my home machine in getting the setup to my liking. This plan is subject to change at no notice smiley - winkeye


Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 20

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Sporky? Que pasa?

Phil, as I work at home, I don't really distinguish holidays. I just finished getting in groceries and stuff so I don't have to go out all weekend except for the Sunday paper -- looney drivers these next few days, people lusting irrationally for the beach and so forth. I will keep studying, practising a few art packages -- I really let Bryce drop a few weeks ago and need to get back to it -- and showing up here to mix with the kind of people I can't find in central Florida.

I have thought seriously of moving back to the midlands in England, just to have decent access to culture. Couldn't afford London.

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