A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 41

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

A mosh pit and the subadults have been discussing the nature and quality of standardised exams for the past 3 weeks. smiley - bigeyes As well as trading Javascripts. No wonder Mike is disappointed. The place is full of intellectuals! LOL!

I think, Mike, you need some adults to stir things up.

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 42


Well I've now been down to the mosh pit and quite impressive it is too. Just got to get the right music playing and it'd be just the place for well moshing smiley - smiley

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 43

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I think the adults owe it to themselves to make this mosh pit interesting. Where's Affi? Ampton's head is a boom box, for heaven's sake, he should be drawn to Mike's room as by a magnet.

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 44


*Wanders up the stairs, waving smoke out of his eyes, coughing*

Man, that Mindspring can move! She nearly knocked over my AltePersoNeutrino Machine. And that's something we don't want to happen in a place like h2g2! I'll have to put safety fences around the more dangerous and expensive stuff down there.smiley - smiley

What's this about a mosh pit?

*Reads backlog. Starts thinking about something that seems to be triggering some old memories*

Be careful with that Pentagram, Mike. You never know what I'll be doing down there . . .

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 45


Lil, I don't know what you're listening to over in florida, but right now I'm listening to BBC Radio1 and the Andy Kershaw programme. This is his last show smiley - sadface and he plays music from all over the world (opened with 2 african tracks) and tonight he's got Warren Zevon as his guest (shame I missed last weeks, Lou Reed). If you want to listen to something that'll make you think a bit, with a presenter whos pasionate and knowledgable about his music, then this is a good show.
Like all BBC national radio channels this is streamed over the net in Real Audio, check out the bbc radio webpages.

Your call! Phil

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 46

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I'm having troubles still -- just had to ditch my connection and try again, see if I could get lucky. Yah, I'm getting a more spry performance, but daren't take a chance by asking my machine to do 2 things online at once... smiley - sadface

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 47


Shame smiley - sadface
The show is probably one of the most interesting around. Oh well, just thought I'd let you know in case you were interested. I really aught to tape it, as this session is turning out to be very good smiley - bigeyes, and listen to it later. Off to bed now. See you tomorrow whenever.

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 48

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Manana, Phil. The weekend cometh.

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 49

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Miiiiiinnnnndspring!! *calls* Mindspring!
*scrabble of claws*
*Mindspring bounces cheerfully into salon from corridor, where she has been practising running slides*
Here, dear, have some of this anticoffee.

*whinnying from service elevator*
Ack! Ferrari! Push the button ya fool!
*clopping of hooves and muttered nicker followed by sound of service lift descending*

*Mindspring begins to calm down and look for the furry rug*

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 50

Researcher 99947

So tired... not enough hours in the day smiley - sadface

Mom's fine, came home today. I still feel used.

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 51

Mike A (snowblind)

I am happy your mum is ok smiley - smiley

Now...now that the pit is up and running, I need to clean my room out *^_^*

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 52

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Should I start a new thread? *looks anxious* I'll be pissed off if I can't load it up in 9 or 10 hours, although the way things are going, I hope I'm asleep then.

Glad to hear your mother's doing well, Sporky.
Do not feel used; remember that you are a taxpayer, the US version of a peasant.

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 53


Oh well, what did you all in the US start the war of independence for, you didn't like paying taxes, now you all submit to paying your taxessmiley - winkeye

Read the Ry Cooder article that made it to the front page, nice one Lil.

MikeA, you mentioned strobes earlier, you can buy kits to build your own. If you're doing electronics at school make use of the skills you gain smiley - bigeyes

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 54

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Was it accepted this morning? I've been up since 3:30 dealing with blocked sinuses and shrieking frogs, and last time I checked they hadn't updated the front page.

I shall go check it now. smiley - smiley

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 55


Should be there now smiley - smiley

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 56

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Yes! I R pleased. Now, what do you suppose Mike A will decide is in the crate? *Mindspring wakes up and moves slowly and stiffly toward the kitchen* No donuts for her till the afternoon.

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 57


Don't know about what's in the crate, but I'm keeping well out of the way of it smiley - smiley

So how's you feeling if you've been up half the night with the sinuses going haywire?

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 58

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Basically, I'm still trying to recover my immune system equilibrium after that heavy case of pneumonia in the first part of the year. Still having some pulmonary side effects and am on no less than 4 prescriptions. Me, who used to practically live out of doors when I worked in horses. So now the sinuses are flipping out and I can either add another drug to the roster or try to tough it out. Well, last night that didn't work. So I've checked with the pharmacist, and there will be no side-effects if I pick up one of those off-the-shelf Dry-Your-Head-Out remedies.

I am really fed up with being ill, really and truly.

Nephew has karate today, so I don't know whether he'll be on before 7 or 8 pm his time. I do want to be there when he opens it, though. smiley - smiley

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 59


It'll no doubt have something interesting inside.

Hope the remedy works, I'm gearing up for the hayfever season here. At the moment the weather is helping, being rather showery smiley - smiley

At the moment both our transit providers are having some problems (one from an internal political descision) the other because they've got something broken and are waiting for it to be fixed. This means that sometimes websites are there and other times they're not smiley - sadface This is causing me problems because I'm trying to find the song that a lyric comes from. I'll see if you lot might be able to help. The line is "I've been downhearted baby, ever since the day we met" and the singer is BB King. It's sampled on the track Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand, by the Primitive Radio Gods.
So it's nothing work related smiley - winkeye

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 60


Don't panic. I've now managed to find out the answer to the question of the BB King track, How Blue Can You Get is the song.

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