A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 21


I can't really afford London either and I live here smiley - bigeyes
If I'm around, I'll probably pop in from time to time, but these pesky phone bills are a problem still in the UK. It's getting better but it's not there yet.

The weather's a bit different as you know over here against central florida. The BBC weather page gives max 14C for London today.

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 22

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I always told myself I wouldn't go back to a place where I had to wear socks to bed in the winter, but there's really too much heat, and it militates against proper exercise unless you pay $25 a month for the privelege of being in a gym and air conditioning. I used to walk miles every day as a matter of course when I lived in Brum or in Windsor. Now deciding to walk around the subdivision takes special organization, waiting till it's dark so the temp goes down to 80, slathering on mosquito repellent...

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 23


I'd forgotten that it can get too hot, doesn't happen often enough round here smiley - smiley

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 24

Garius Lupus

Well, I'll strike central Florida off my list of future homes, then. I want to live somewhere where you can get out and walk almost any time of year. Still haven't figured out where that might be, but perhaps the search will be half the fun ...

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 25

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Northern California might be the place to go. Almost as expensive as London, though, and there is that pesky San Andreas fault.

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 26

Mike A (snowblind)

In electronics at school, we are making music boxes. You open a wooden box, and it plays a little tune (nothing extravagant, mind you). Today I made the circuit board (managed to find a spare PCB), then managed to mitch off cos I had a guitar lesson. So now I'm a bit behind, but I don't care smiley - smiley

Now, my mosh pit in my room...it is prodomiatly black. The floor is earth, interspersed with straw/hay and the like, with a dipin the middlew. The dip is fairly big, cos that's where the big pentagram goes. Around this dip are four big curved spikes where the good people get impaled. At the end opposite the door is the bandstand, and behind there is the Marshall stacks.
Smoke machines feature predomatly, as do strobe lightrs (you can pick these up in a shop just outside Bristol).
Ferrari pounds around the pentagram. He is my steed, for the Knights In Satan's Service (K.I.S.S., anyone?)

Which brings us on to me and the bandwagon. How many people here have been to my online mosh pit for Fronk's Drinks? One? Yeah, one if that.
I intend to follow everyone else, and turn it into a tea room/drinking establishment. Based around a mosh pit. With resident rat (-everyone- has their own pet now, eh?). And other stuff that everyone else does. Expect to see it in action on saturday. I hope it turns out as good as I'm thinking it up as smiley - smiley

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 27

Garius Lupus

Yes, California is one strong possibility. Another is somewhere in Virginia. If we are really brave, maybe somewhere like New Zealand, although I really know very little about the climate there.

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 28

Mike A (snowblind)


Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 29

Garius Lupus

Yes, indeed (he replies, at the risk of simulposting again with Lil)

So, how come the _good_ people get impaled?

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 30

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Do people get impaled now in Sweden? *Doesn't know whether to laugh or look consternated* Is Ferrari OK?

And you had better check out what's going on downstairs -- if your pentagram crosses wires with whatever magical or high-tech stuff Afgncaap5 is doing, ... results could be unpredictable. *Looks at door* Perhaps some reinforcement is in order, on top of the soundproofing.

So, a mosh pit tearoom. I DID visit your mosh pit, but the music was unfamiliar, and I'm well past the age for moshing. *Imagines her parents moshing to Mantovani* Is this place going to be purposely seedy? Do you think you can keep it to one rat? Will it be white? What will you call it?

Garius, New Zealand is supposed to be gorgeous, and Looney keeps telling us that there's lots of culture.

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 31

Garius Lupus

That was the general impression I had of NZ. I would sure like to visit (and maybe live) there, but it costs so much to try it. I'm trying to get to the point where I can retire and move to a nice climate, but it would take a lot longer to work up the funds to go to NZ. Oh well, maybe something will come along to give a boost to our savings in the next 3 years (that's when I figure I can retire - I'll be 45!)

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 32

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

You really must ask Looneytunes; he would be very helpful wrt cost of living and all.
*hollow booming sound from downstairs*
*Mindspring trots briskly in from gallery and assumes classic begging position* Another doughnut? Have you eaten your greens? Or has MikA already given you a doughnut? You look pretty frisky.

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 33

Mike A (snowblind)

Garius: Only The Good Die Young smiley - winkeye

The pit should not be -too- seedy, else nobody would want to turn up. But certainly not h2g2 mainstream. Hell no. If I'm sinning to myself and jumping bandwagon (over-used phrase now - please suggest alternative) then I have to do it differently.

Hmmm...Affy's experiments could conjure up many terrible demons and Locotr (watch out for that one smiley - winkeye). I like the idea smiley - smiley. Just don't forget the smoke machines...

Now, the rat. He shall be named Styx, and he is of course black smiley - winkeye. As shall be the background colour for the page. Colour-cordinated, y'see smiley - winkeye. God knows what he will do, probably just mope around squeeking for now.

Developments come soon. smiley - smiley

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 34

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Does there need to be a drawing of Styx? 'Course, in a week or so you can do him yourself. smiley - smiley Rats are pretty easy to draw.

You can have all the smoke machines you want, but would you mind if I consult with Affy before you complete the pentagram? We might need another appliance just in case.

How enviable to retire at 45... but then, Garius, you wouldn't stop doing things, would you. You'd take up another career and call it play.

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 35

Garius Lupus

Of course smiley - smiley But I wouldn't be reliant on it and could stop at any time. For the first while, I would have an extended vacation, but I know that after a while I would be looking for something interesting to do. No idea what it would be at the moment, though. I do love to garden - maybe something along those lines, somehow.

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 36

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I've just remembered that Sporky took his mother into hospital aday or so ago, for a hysterectomy. Sporky, I hope your mom is OK!

*feeds half a moebius doughnut to Springie who jumps up and down*

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 37

Garius Lupus

Yes, I hope she is fine, Sporky.

I once started to eat one side of a mobius doughnut on the doughnut forum. I never finished. smiley - smiley

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 38

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I'm off to attend to real life for a few hrs. I've been on all this time as part of caretaker responsibilities -- Babel-17 appears to have been shanghaied. See you later. Springie, that's enough! Do you want to go into the mosh pit??

Mike, rent the bloody Baron!

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 39

Garius Lupus

See you later, Lil. I should do some of that RL work stuff too smiley - smiley

Rent Baron Munchausen

Post 40

Mike A (snowblind)

It is done


Well, nearly done. I have to add one or two graphics, change the background colour, and slip Styx in there. Got a bit carried away with the bacjground *^_^*.
If you want to go there and comment...tell me if I'm being too Goff, too overbearing, too scary or too predictable or what have you. Oh yeah, there's at least one more quote I forgot to slip in.

I reckon I should have a stab at painting Styx, Lil. I have plenty of time to come (half term starts saturday), and since my little brother is in Belguim all week I can dominate the computer if I want smiley - smiley. Since my painting skills are a bit sketchy, I think that could add atmosphere to it. A Satanic scrawl from the gods...now, tell me the names of these gods! smiley - winkeye
(you'll need 2 go to the pit for that)

Minspring looks funny jumping up and down LOL! smiley - bigeyes. Oh yeah, you can have Ferrari back now if you want.

One warning: if you do try looking for the smoke machines at the bandstand, don't reach too far down the back...

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