A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 101

Researcher 99947

The link is a bit wrong, on my pic thingy... it *should* read, I think, http://www.h2g2.com/A327980 ... Sorry that I didn't name it. I usually give them absurd names, that make absolutely no sense to anyone but me. Perhaps I will call it Wonderous Drainpipe?

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 102

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I'll fix that right after this post.

Do either of you know much of the works of the late B Kliban? He's mainly known for his cats, but he also did some fantastic and very funny cartoons on all sorts of other subjects.

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 103

Researcher 99947

Gor! I was just looking at a Kliban site! Freaky!


6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 104

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

There's no such thing as coincidence, at least not in my world. Have you seen his cartoon "Southeast Asian Tree-Dwellers"? I have all his works.

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 105


Cool site, I like it. Never seen any of his stuff before, but then I am a huge Larson fan.

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 106

Researcher 99947

I'm an everyone fan smiley - smiley

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 107


Fair enough, Sporkysmiley - winkeye

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 108

Researcher 99947

I *try* to be smiley - winkeye

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 109


Actually, I have just been to your off-h2g2 web site.
Very impressive! How do you create those images? Ok, you may not want to reveal all here. (you could always email me, address on homepage)
Just curious as I can't even begin to think how to achieve that sort of effect! Hell, I am just teaching myself HTML, guideML etc. That's what I get for not keeping up my programming after Uni.smiley - smiley

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 110

Researcher 99947

Hmm... it really isn't all that difficult. The page format was the hardest thing for me to come up with, but I have a basic, generic little design that I go with, and just change the buttons/content around very easily (I cheat with this bit... when I'm particularly lazy I do use a generic html program [only when I'm lazy though- the original design is still mine, and I shoved it out of my noodle]). However, I'm afraid that a lot of people are anti pop-up windows- well, I wanted a crisp design, so I needed the popups in order for the page design to function. You win some, you lose some smiley - sadface Forgive me for tooting my horn, but I rather like the buttons I made... especially after you let go of the click.

Anywho, the site design/concept/art is all done by me. I drew a few things, and the m+@ is indeed my own handwriting. There are a few examples where I've doctored images (such as the siggy picture), but I think that these are blatantly obvious, and they still fall within copyright law (so, yes, even though I only doctored them, they're mine). All of my art, unless drawn, is made on Adobe Photoshop (and recently Bryce and Poser). It is all trial and error, so basically I make what I feel like. There is one piece of my stuff right here in lil's studio, and I just made another yesterday, which I will email to you, if you give me your address.

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 111

Researcher 99947

And if you're a member of Shazz' Egroup, I have tons more stuff on there

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 112


Email address is on homepage. it was the one on Lil's gallery that prompted me to go and see the rest.
Anyway, I am logging on from the house now, just to post this message:

Warning, slowdown possible due to potential influx of newbies.
Just had to log back on and tell you.
Just heard interview with DNA on Radio Scotland 09.30-09.45am.
He said he was on draft 37 of the screenplay for The Film, and this should be the last draft. Also heavily promoting h2g2. Pass it on.

going to sleep now.
speak to you later,

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 113


Yes I was up pretty darn late last night. I went out after work for some beers (it was my birthday smiley - smiley) and ended up in a late bar, left when that shut and so I didn't get in till about 3am, rather worse for wear.

I also thought I'd ask Courtesy38 the question about the book as I saw him around. I'll take that one over to the book nook though.

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 114


*Looks out window. Notices the new forest beginning to sprout up at the base of Mt. SandEverest*

What do you think the name of this one is going to be?

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 115

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*comes in carrying donuts, fresh coffee from the cafe and greens for Mindspring* I better make a new thread if we're going to be swamped again. Hold on a sec ...

OK, conversation continues at

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