A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 1

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*cleaning bot is let loose from closet and performs dusting and vacuuming activities*
*lil picks up uneaten doughnuts and cups and all*
*hears faint sounds of new IM CD coming through door to nephew's quarters*
*takes Mindspring out of cage and sets her down on hearth rug, then goes into kitchen to wash up*

*hearing a muffled clank, she returns to salon in time to see Ampton standing over Springie*
*Pulling the weapon Affi gave her out of her pocket, and freezes Ampton where he stands*

Cad! Varlet! Trifle with Springie, will you? *drags bot away from fire so he won't thaw* And I thought you were a nice chappie!

*Mindspring hisses at frozen Ampton*

Right then.

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 2


Good going Lil. If you want I'm sure we can all stand around Springie and generally act intimidating towards any person with impure thoughts to her.

Also, I put in for a nice kitty smiley - smiley

*grabs pillow, sits back with some tea, makes general not nice faces in Amptons direction*

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 3

Researcher 99947

Gor!! #6? I was barely able to contribute to the last conversation! "Rent Baron Munchhausen" Baron Munchhausen is a terrific film! I love it! Almost as good as the Time ____(fill in blank) (it has been ages since I saw it- I just saw Baron Munchhausen again two weeks ago, on IFC (the independent film channel)).

I'm trying to do something for the gallery, lil, but I am plum out of ideas. I have about 48 versions of one thing I've been working on, but I can't seem to come up with anything else. lol.

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 4


Goood Morning!

I trust the weekend has been nice and quiet? Ampton looks chilled out, at least. smiley - winkeye

Agreed on Baron Munchhausen. Amazing film. Oh, and Denmark won the Eurovision Song Contest. I watched the whole thing, only fell asleep for a little while during the votes count smiley - smiley

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 5


*arrives via service lift, remembering to close the cage should anyone else want to use it*
Morning all!
How were your weekends?
*pops into kitchen and puts v/_|3 on*
Tea anybody?

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 6


The weekend was good. I've even managed to get myself in the post! (I'm the one sat down in the red t shirt and beige hat with my back to the camera).

As to the broken continuity, I'm sure I warned them about it at the end of the descent of Mt SandEverest, so they did it anyway smiley - sadface

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 7


Hey Phil, is that legs you are showing?
BTW, I just tried signing up for your tour as i thought it might be a bit of a laugh, and there are probably a few places I haven't been yet, but it doesn't appear to be working.
It says I have posted to the forum, but doesn't show anything!
Weird. Also checked out your bookshelf, a few goodies in theresmiley - smiley

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 8


OK thanks for the compliment about the books.
I think I've now got the link from my page to the tour page working. That's what comes from trying to write something late at night. I talked to Peta and Mark about it on saturday and they both think it's a good idea, so it might just fly yet.

Oh and do try again to sign up now the forum is Sign me up for the tour and that one does work.

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 9

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Guys, let's move Ampton into the broom closet. I just don't want to have to look at him. And look, Springie's eating again. I think she's going to be OK.

I'm holding out for an Abyssinian kitten. I met native Aby's when I worked in Corfu, and I find them charming, not as aggressively intellectual as Siamese. Or as noisy.

Thanks for making tea! *Pours self a cup*

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 10


OK I'll help move Ampton.

I've not too much experience of cats so I can't realy help you out there.

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 11

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*Phil & Lil pick up Ampton by the elbows and move him down the corridor toward the gallery where he's out of sightlines*

Sporky, whatever you think is acceptable will be acceptable to me for the gallery. I'm definitely going to post another one of my restorations today.

The net's behaving strangely -- my browser veers between instantaneous and taking 5 minutes to load a page.

Well, I'm off to do ott, so y'all please just relax -- I'll be out in a few hours.

*goes into studio through door marked PRIVATE*

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 12


*pours another C)~( of tea and takes Lil's advice*
And Relax....
Aaaah, bliss.
Ok Phil, link seems to be working now. Signed up and raring to go!
Btw, is that your entire bookshelf or just a small sample?
If I was to do that, I would need about 5 pages, I think, having approx. 500 assorted books. Plus 3 boxes of kids stuff in the attic.
I am a hoarder, esp. when it comes to books.smiley - smiley

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 13


Oh,oh! I just noticed that Teaserman is logged in.
Those poor new researchers won't know what has hit them!
I can picture it now. Lots of Germans logging on and seeing that someone has been kind enough to leave a message on their homepage,
'What a friendly place h2g2 is' they will think and then 'Buzzz!!!'.
I think there will be many a puzzled German tonight!

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 14

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*pops out for a cup of tea*

Isn't it interesting to think that there's now a whole alternate continent on h2g2 consisting of hundreds of German speakers doing the same things we are ... soon. But I only know of one Frenchman, a really nice and nutty fellow named Tipolifi.

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 15


The thing is, will they have discussions in German or English, ie between themselves, or, not knowing peoples real identities, will we have to get used to speaking to lots of people in a h2g2 variant of the english language. One that is more globally accepted.
Like we have GuideML, will we end up with GuideENGLISH or GuideSPEAK?

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 16

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Virtual Creole. h2g2 blong all.

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 17

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Sporky, you were talking about Munchhausen, and it had me rolling the movie through my mind. I don't know how many times I've seen it, and I might just buy it. I need to remind Mike that the first 20 minutes is a tad slow by his standards -- if he sticks with it as far as the first fantasy with the sultan and his harem, though, he'll be hooked good and proper. His little brother will love it too.

That's what is so brilliant about Munchhause and Time Bandits. They work perfectly for all age levels.

And Terry Gilliam has the best Death I have ever seen.

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 18


Got the name in the list. When I set out on the tour I'll post to the list where the first location will be and then set up a forum there and so on. Seems the simplest way of doing it with what we've got.

The books that are listed are a sample of those I've got down here in London. I've got more still at my parents (from uni stuff to those kids books of mine that are still going). It's sort of just to give an idea of the things I've read, same with the CD list (must update again with another seletion). You know, you go somewhere and start talking about the books/music on the shelf gives something to talk about as well as saying a bit about myself.
Books is good!

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 19

Garius Lupus

I'll second that opinion. I read alot, especially in winter when I can't work in the garden. I take the bus to and from work, which takes about 1/2 hour each way and I read the entire time. Sometimes I don't want to get off (just one more page...). Then I used to read at lunch (before H2G2) and occasionally in the evenings. I read all sorts of stuff - lately with lots of juvenile literature thrown in as I try to keep up with my 7 year old daughter's reading (a hopeless task, as she reads more than me - and faster too). Our house is full of books as my wife is an avid reader too. Sometimes we go to a good bookstore for entertainment. We have a nice megastore that has couches for you to read on - we each get a stack of books and sit down and browse through them. The place also has a Starbucks.

6th Conversation at Lil's

Post 20

Mike A (snowblind)

She fell in love with his greasy machine
She leaned over wiped his kickstart clean
She'd never seen the beast before
But she lay there wanting more more more

But as she was walking on down the road
She heard a sound that made her heart explode
He whispered to her to get on the back
I'll take you on a ride from here to eternity

Hell ain't a bad place, hell is from here to eternity
Hell ain't a bad place, hell is from here to eternity

She must've been having one of her crazy dreams
She'd never sat on a peice so mean
It made her feel like she was on cloud 9
She even thought she heard the engine sigh

But like all good things that come to an end
They took a tumble on the devil's bend
The beast and Charlotte they were two of a kind
They'd always take the line From Here To Eternity

Hell ain't a bad place, hell is from here to eternity
Hell ain't a bad place, hell is from here to eternity

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